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  colorblindneSS openS Up A beAUtifUl World
  At the time, Peter Milton was teaching at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore. And he’d had a show of some of his paintings.
  Peter Milton: And it got reviewed and someone referred to how warm and, sort of, pinky the landscapes were. And I was horrified.
  Pink was not what Milton thought he’d been laying down on the canvas. So he made an appointment at Johns Hopkins University. The 1)diagnosis: red-green colorblindness, or 2)deuteranopia. This on top of the nearsightedness that Milton had known about since he was a kid.
  Michael Marmor (Professor, Stanford University): We see color because we have three types of 3)cone cells or 4)receptors in the 5)retina: one of which is mainly blue sensitive, one is red sensitive and one is green sensitive. Some people are born with abnormal red or green sensors. If they’re somewhat abnormal, a person doesn’t quite 6)discriminate colors on the red-green end of the 7)spectrum as well. But they may see them if they’re bright.

  Peter: The way you could see my green would be to take a neutral gray and put some yellow into it.
  As for reds, Peter Milton says the color 8)maroon looks like mud. Now colorblindness isn’t that uncommon. About one in ten men has some form of it. But Milton was a painter. He studied art at Yale under 9)Josef Albers, who wrote the book on color.

  Peter: I was told, at one point, maybe a couple of years later, that he thought very highly of my work. And this is very bizarre because I’m the colorblind person. He’s the color 10)guru.
  Milton wasn’t going to abandon art. But he did feel he had to abandon color. And so he embraced black and white. In the four decades since, Milton has been making extraordinarily 11)intricate black and white prints. You almost need a magnifying glass to take them in. 12)Ballerinas and men on bicycles, and dogs and children float in and out of 13)ornate train stations and cafés. They are visual puzzles, and past and present seem to merge. But looking closely won’t yield an answer. Milton says it’s all about invoking a sense of mystery and a mood.
  Peter: It’s really an examination of not having color any more, of using 14)tonal and texture as your medium. Black and white’s almost more elegant.

  15)Claude Monet had 16)cataracts, and he eventually lost his ability to tell colors apart. And the 19th-century artist, Charles Meryon, who was famous for his 17)etchings of Paris, was colorblind. Michael Marmor says that, like Peter Milton, most artists who found out they were colorblind just switched to printmaking or sculpture. And Milton says his diagnosis kind of took a weight off his shoulders.
  Peter: No, I don’t miss color. I mean, it helps to have a disability. I, I use that word. Uh, it’s a strong word, but it helps to have a disability, because when you can do anything, which of all the things you can do are you going to choose? So something has to help you make the choice.
  Or, as 18)Edgar Degas put it, “I’m convinced that these differences in vision are of no importance. One sees as one wishes to see. It’s false, and it is that 19)falsity that constitutes art.”



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