夯实基础 关注社会人生 加强辩证思维——2003年高考语文(全国卷)的思考与行动

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当代人创造历史,总结历史的则是后人。所以,回过头来谈论2003年高考试题,对于参加2003年高考的考生来说意义已经不大,但是对于2004年及以后的考生来说则是一种教训或启示。因此,本文主要就试卷内容结构与部分试题题型的变化作简要总结分析,供读者复习思考,以期在此基础上能够举一反三。应该说,2003高考语文试卷内容结构与题型基本与近几年保持一致,只是考查难度与侧重点上有变化。一、基础六题:难度降低,考生夯实基础是成功的关键在试卷结构中,第1到第6小题向来被人们称为“基础六题”。2003年语文(全国卷)这6个小题与往年相比,应该说难度已经降低。第1到第4题,读 Contemporary people create history, summarize history is posterity. So, turning back to talk about the entrance exam questions in 2003, for the 2003 entrance exam candidates have little meaning, but for the 2004 and later candidates is a lesson or inspiration. Therefore, this paper mainly summarizes and analyzes the changes of the content structure of the test paper and the questions of some of the questions, for the readers to review and think, with a view to give top priority to this. It should be said that in 2003 the contents of the entrance exam language structure and type of questions basic and consistent in recent years, but the difficulty of examination and focus on the point of change. First, the basic six questions: the difficulty is reduced, the basis for candidates to consolidate the key to success In the structure of the papers, the first six questions have been known as “basic six questions ”. Compared with the previous years, the six small questions in the 2003 Chinese (national volume) should be said that the difficulty has been reduced. 1st to 4th questions, read
Mathematics teaching and learning has movedaway from a mechanical view of mathematics,to onewith an emphasis on problem solving,understandingand communicating
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定理 F_1、F_2是椭圆 x~2/a~2+y~2/b~2=1(a>b>0)的两焦点,直线 l_1过长轴顶点 A_2且垂直于长轴,l_2为准线且交x轴于 H,B_1为短轴上的一个顶点,P、Q 分别为 l_1、l_2上的动点
已知 a,b>0,a~3+b~3=2,则 a+b≤2.对此流行不等式,文[1]作了推广:a>0,i=1,…,n,∑a_i~m=a_1~m+…+a_n~m=l(2≤m∈N),则∑a_i≤mn+l-n/m.现给出另一推广:若 a_i>0(i=1,…,n),
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必