办好乡村成人学校 服务地方经济建设

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“九五”以来,扬州市将农村成教工作纳入全市经济和社会发展的总体规划,做到立足实际,面向市场,强化统筹,深化改革,从而探索出了一条农村成教工作为地方经济建设和社会发展服务的新路子。1.理清农村成教工作思路扬州市于1995年12月顺利地通过了原国家教委组织的扫盲验收,全市农村青壮年非文盲率达到了98.5%,完成了基本扫除农村剩余青壮年文盲的历史性任务。进入“九五”后,我们进一步认识到提高劳动者素质对两个文明建设起着举足轻重的作用。在当前扬 Since the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Yangzhou City has included the work of rural adult education in the overall planning of economic and social development of the whole city, so as to base itself on reality, market orientation, co-ordination and deepening of reform so as to explore a rural adult education program that serves as a platform for local economic construction and social development New way of developing service. 1. To clarify the thinking of rural adult education Yangzhou City in December 1995 passed the former State Education Commission organized literacy inspection, the city’s young and middle-aged non-illiteracy rate reached 98.5%, completed the basic elimination of rural youth remaining illiterate history Sexual tasks. After entering the Ninth Five-year Plan, we have further realized that raising the quality of workers plays an important role in the two civilizations. In the current Yang
今年五一放长假,各旅游景点 人满为患:乘车难,住宿难,吃饭难,观赏难…… 假如,景点知道游客的数量,游客知道景点的情况,肯定会出现资源更合理的搭配。而目前的技术条件,这种假设是完全
如今,拥有寻呼机已不是新鲜的事情。而网络寻呼机却是网络时代的产物。ICQ就是这个网络寻呼家族中最庞大的网络寻呼系统。 ICQ是以色列的Mirabils公司开发的网络寻呼软件,Mi
患者 男,38岁。入院前2d在活动中突然出现头晕、视物旋转、言语不清、口角歪斜,右侧面部麻痹、听力下降及吞咽困难、饮水呛咳,于2001年11月4日入院。有高血压病史4年。体格
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