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Formerly No.713 Factory,Huaxing Metallur-gical & Chemical Co.under China Nuclear IndustryGeneral Corporation was established in 1958 and putinto operation in 19
口腔粘膜病(Oral Mucosal Disease,OMD)内窥镜管理系统是我科研制开发的专门用于OMD的临床信息系统,它由口腔内窥镜系统和计算机系统两部分组成.通过内窥镜系统将患者的口腔
A two-day Sino-Japanese Meeting onRare Earth which ended on November 1st,1990 in Beijing showed that more atten-tion will be payed on RE development,andRE will
Gansu Rare Earth Corporation is one of thelargest rare earth producers in China.Its annual pro-duction capacity of rare earth chloride has reached18000 ton REO
Can RE be used in the desulfurization of the acid-rain?Acid-rain is an air pollutant and consists ofsome sulfur-containing chemicals.Now the thermody-namic expe
At the invitation of Shanghai RareEarth Society and other institutions,Dr.Masaaki Hamano at Kanegafuchi Chemi-cal Industry Co.Ltd.,Japan,gave a ser-ties of lect
Invited by Rhone-Poulenc Chimie,France,aChinese delegation of Ministry of Metallurgical Indus-try visited France Sept.19-Oct.17,1992.The dele-gation,including m