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1995年12月28日《电力法》的颁布和1996年4月1日的正式实施,标志着我国电力法规建设进入了一个新的历史时期。它对保护电力投资者、经营者、使用者的合法权益,确立正常的供电用电秩序,保证安全、经济、合理地使用电力起着极其重要的作用。 根据我国宪法和有关法律的规定,供用电法规出自以下制定机关: 1.根据宪法第62条、67条的规定,由全国人大及其常委会制定《电力法》,它的表现形式属法律类。 2.根据宪法第89条规定,由国务院行政主管部门制定供用电法规。如《电力设施保护条例》、《电网调度管理条例》及近期将颁布的《电力供应与使用管理条例》和由国务院批转的《关于鼓励集资办电和实行多种电价的暂行规定》等等,均属于行政法规类。 3.根据宪法第90条、国务院组织法第10条规定,由各部、委、办等制定的供用电法规。如国家经委颁布的《全国供用电规则》、原能源部颁布的《电业安全工作规程》、国家标准局发布的《产品电耗定额制定和管理 The promulgation of the “Electricity Law” on December 28, 1995 and the formal implementation on April 1, 1996 marked the beginning of a new historical period in the construction of China’s electric power laws and regulations. It plays an extremely important role in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, operators and users of electricity, establishing a normal power supply and electricity order, and ensuring the safe, economical and rational use of electricity. According to China’s Constitution and relevant laws and regulations, the rules for the supply of electricity come from the following organs: 1. According to Article 62 and Article 67 of the Constitution, the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee enacted the “Electricity Law,” which takes the form of law class. 2. According to the provisions of Article 89 of the Constitution, the administrative department of the State Council shall formulate the regulations on electricity supply. Such as Regulations on the Protection of Electric Power Facilities, Regulations on Power Dispatch Management and the Regulations on the Administration and Application of Electric Power Supply to be promulgated in the near future, and the Interim Provisions on Encouraging Fund-raising and Implementation of Multi-tariffs approved by the State Council , All belong to administrative regulations category. 3. Pursuant to Article 90 of the Constitution, Article 10 of the Constitution of the State Council stipulates that electricity supply regulations shall be formulated by the ministries, commissions and offices. Such as the State Economic Commission promulgated the “National Power Supply Rules,” the original Department of Energy promulgated the “Electrical Safety Working Rules” issued by the National Bureau of Standards, "the development and management of electricity consumption quotas
概述了国外运载器、航天器从地面到空间自然环境标准的分类及其主要标准 ,综述了各类标准制定的背景 ,简介了美国宇航局陆地环境标准化手册、欧洲空间合作标准化组织空间环境
将基因算法与博奕论中的 Nash平衡相结合 ,构建了多目标基因优化算法—— Nash基因算法 (NashGAs) ,并对初始翼型为 NACA0 0 1 2二维翼型进行给定跨音速流动下的形状增升优化
歼-8II是一种为广大航空爱好者所熟悉的战斗机,其模型曾在1986年范堡罗航展和 1987年巴黎航展上展出,更于1989年6月8日第38届巴黎航展上进行了实机参展。当时歼-8II并非一种面向出口市场的军贸飞机,它参
二00二年七月十一日,重庆市建设委员会以渝建发[2002]98号文向各区县建委、各有关单位发出《关于印发〈重庆市地下管线工程档案管理办法〉的通知》。 《重庆市城市地下管线