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向晚,我在澜沧江边散步。落日隐藏在彼岸原始森林上方的浓云中,云罅中泻出一道道金红的瀑布,瀑布飞扬开来,染了半天的妃红。云山雾嶂宛若卸去了白沙笼包巾和蝉纱的依少(傣语:姑娘),袒露出奇绝秀丽的姿容。背光的森林和岩模模糊糊,色泽沉郁,在妃色的天幕上勾勒出清晰的轮廓;而远在下游方向的勐买山却呈溟蒙的银灰。天野里是一幅明暗强烈的奇景。晚霞透过低矮的林梢,摇碎在宁静的江波上,在两岸苍山间曲折而去的澜沧江是愈加幽邃壮丽了。陡斜的堤岸上霞朵浮动,身穿筒裙的橄榄坝的傣家姑娘下到江边来了。肩头晃 To the evening, I walked along the Lancang River. Sunset hidden in the thick forest above the other side of the original clouds, clouds, clouds out of a golden red waterfall, waterfalls flying up, dyed red half a day. Yunshan mist 嶂 just like unloading white sand cages and cicada yarn according to less (Dai language: girl), bare surprisingly beautiful appearance. Backlit forest and rock mold fuzzy, gloomy color, in the outline of the outline of the outline of the contours of the clear outline; and far in the downstream direction of Meng Buy Hill was Meng Meng silver. Amano is a dark and intense spectacle. Sunset through the low forest, shattered in the quiet Jiang Bo, Cangshan twists and turns between the two sides of the Lancang River is more secluded magnificent. Floating on the steep embankment, the Dai girl, wearing a canopy of olive dams, came down to the river. Shook the shoulders
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Once Dionysius, the King of Syracuse, and Damocles, his friend, were standing near the king’s palace. Dionysius was showing his friend the beautiful houses by