
来源 :中国油料作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdauto
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为了解作图群体亲本间基因组和密集QTL区的遗传变异,促进QTL定位与克隆,本研究对一个甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)重组自交系(recombinant lnbred lines,RIL)群体双亲M083和888-5(二者株高、分枝数、开花时间、菌核病抗性等性状差异显著)的基因组进行深度测序和分析。研究结果表明:在M083和888-5中分别检测到SNP个数为1 941 397和2 046 009,In Del个数为410 961和428 572,结构变异个数为90 384和88 456,拷贝数变异个数为46 655和46 008。对包含开花时间、菌核病抗性、株高等多个性状主效QTL密集的A02染色体进行分析发现,在包括上述性状QTL密集的6.4~6.9Mb的0~8.5Mb基因组区间内,两品系SNPs和In Dels变异数量/密度总体呈相反的趋势;片段丢失也有热点区,888-5和M083均在两个共同区域高频发生,其中一个为QTL密集区;倒位在染色体上的分布虽然也是不均匀的,但两品种间发生区域不同,且与QTL无关。本文关于基因组变异(SNPs、In Dels、除倒位外的结构变异)热点区和QTL密集区重复的结论对性状控制位点精细定位、基因克隆及育种亲本选择有一定的指导意义。 In order to understand the genetic variation of genomic and dense QTLs in population parents and to promote QTL mapping and cloning, we investigated the genetic diversity of QTLs in a population of Ml83 and 888-A in Brassica napus (RIL) 5 (both height, number of branches, flowering time, Sclerotinia resistance and other traits significantly different) genome sequencing and analysis. The results showed that the number of SNPs detected in M083 and 888-5 was 1 941 397 and 2 046 009 respectively, the number of In Del was 410 961 and 428 572, the number of structural variations was 90 384 and 88 456, and the number of copies The number of mutations is 46 655 and 46 008. Analysis of the A02 chromosomes with major QTLs in flowering time, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, plant height and other traits found that in the range of 0 ~ 8.5Mb genome interval of 6.4 ~ 6.9Mb, including QTLs with the above trait, the two-line SNPs And In Dels, the number of inversions / densities showed the opposite trend. Fragment loss also had hot spots. Both 888-5 and M083 occurred in two common regions at high frequency, one of which was a dense QTL. The distribution on the chromosome in inverted position was also Uneven, but different regions between the two varieties, and has nothing to do with the QTL. In this paper, we conclude that the duplication of hot spot and QTL in the genomic variation (In Dels, except for the inverted inversions) may be useful for the fine mapping of trait loci, gene cloning and selection of breeding parents.