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目的了解陕西和重庆农村地区12~17岁中学生忽视现状及影响因素。方法采用“中国农村12~17岁中学生忽视评价常模”中制定的量表和评价方法,按照多阶段分层整群抽样的原则在陕西和重庆农村地区选择调查对象共2257名,其中男生1157名,女生1100名,通过忽视度指标反映忽视严重程度,采用二元Logistic回归分析方法分析忽视的影响因素。结果调查对象的总忽视度为(51.80±9.06),重庆农村中学生忽视度为(53.21±9.03),陕西农村中学生忽视度为(50.50±8.90),两组间差异有统计学意义(U=6.17,P<0.01)。男生忽视度为(51.93±8.67),女生忽视度为(51.66±9.46),不同性别总忽视度组间差异无统计学意义(U=0.60,P>0.05)。不同年级中学生在各个层面的忽视度差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),初三和高三学生受忽视程度较高,总忽视度分别为(53.54±9.70)和(53.36±8.69)。除社会忽视和安全忽视外,不同家庭情况中学生在各层面忽视度的差异均有统计学差异(P<0.01),其中再婚家庭中学生受忽视程度最高,其总忽视度为(56.92±8.83)。Logistic回归分析结果显示影响中学生忽视的因素有:父亲文化程度、是否有独立房间、家庭类型、近一年父母工作地点是否变动、近一年父母收入是否减少、与父母亲关系、父母关系。结论陕西和重庆农村中学生受忽视状况较严重,影响儿童忽视的因素为父亲文化程度、是否有独立房间、家庭类型、近一年父母工作地点是否变动、近一年父母收入是否减少、与父母亲的关系、父母关系。 Objective To understand the current situation and influencing factors of neglect among middle school students aged 12 ~ 17 in rural areas of Shaanxi and Chongqing. Methods According to the scale and evaluation method established in “Rural neglect assessment norm of 12 ~ 17 middle school students in rural areas of China”, according to the principle of multistage stratified cluster sampling, a total of 2257 surveyed subjects were selected in rural areas of Shaanxi and Chongqing, among which 1157 boys and 1,100 girls, reflecting the severity of neglect by the degree of neglect index, and using the binary Logistic regression analysis to analyze the factors that are neglected. Results The total ignorance of the surveyed subjects was (51.80 ± 9.06), that of the rural middle school students in Chongqing was (53.21 ± 9.03), that of the rural middle school students in Shaanxi was (50.50 ± 8.90), the difference was statistically significant (U = 6.17 , P <0.01). The ignorance degree of boys was (51.93 ± 8.67) and that of girls (51.66 ± 9.46). There was no significant difference between the two groups (U = 0.60, P> 0.05). There were significant differences in the degree of neglect among different grades of middle school students at all levels (P <0.05). The scores of ignorance were higher in the third grade and the third grade than in the third grade, and the total neglect degrees were (53.54 ± 9.70) and (53.36 ± 8.69) respectively. Except for social neglect and safety neglect, there were significant differences in neglect degree at all levels between different family conditions (P <0.01). Among them, the highest neglect level was seen in secondary school students with remarriage, with a total neglect degree of (56.92 ± 8.83). The results of Logistic regression analysis showed that the factors that influence the neglect of middle school students are: father ’s educational level, whether there is independent room, family type, whether the work place of parents changed in the past year, whether the income of parents decreased in the past year, relationship with parents and parents. Conclusions The secondary school students in rural areas of Shaanxi Province and Chongqing are more neglected. The factors that affect children’s neglect are father’s educational level, whether there is independent room or family type, whether the work place of parents changed in the past year, whether the income of parents decreased in the past year, Relationship, parental relationship.
摘 要:主要以甘肃省陇南市宕昌县城关第二小学留守儿童为研究对象,采用访谈、座座、调查问卷等形式,通过对学校五六年级留守儿童的个案研究,了解农村学校留守儿童存在的各种问题,深入分析留守儿童的心理状况、生活状况和学习状况,从而从学校层面出发,对留守儿童的心理、生活和学习进行各种干预和正确引导,帮助农村小学留守儿童健康快乐成长。   关键词:留守儿童;心理状况;问卷调查;成因分析    研究背景:在
Print China 2015国际媒体周近日于东莞举行。曼罗兰(中国)有限公司全球市场部副经理虢磊出席活动并发表演讲,强调曼罗兰坚定承诺,持续推动印刷业不断向前发展。
编辑同志:  请问咱农民工通过劳动争议仲裁、行政复议等法律途径维护自身权益,有没有时效的限制?读者:林强林强同志:首先你要明确,劳动者通过劳动争议仲裁、行政复议等法律
茶叶中的成分及功效    研究表明,茶叶中含有320 多种(类) 化学成分,其中比较重要的有茶多酚、咖啡碱、茶碱、可可碱、维生素、叶绿素、挥发油、蛋白质、糖类、果胶、氨基酸和茶氨酸等。茶的色泽、香气和滋味则是茶叶中所存在的化学物质综合配比的结果。由于制作方法的不同,茶叶中各种成分的配比也不相同,因而形成不同品味的茶叶。茶叶可分为绿茶、黄茶、黑茶、青茶、白茶和红茶六大类,并且根据产地的不同,又可分为