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(一九五四年七月二十五日中華全國合作社第一次代表大會通過) 第一章總則第一條中華全國供銷合作總社(簡稱全國總社)爲全國各省(自治區)供銷合作社聯合組織起來的獨立的羣衆性的經濟團體,其任務在於有計劃地組織全國供銷合作社的供應、推銷業務,擴大城鄉物資交流,發展合作社商業,促進農村生產互助合作運動的發展,逐步提高社員的物質、文化生活。第二條本社爲實現第一絛所規定的任務,採取下列措施: 一、召開全國供銷合作社代表大會; 二、制定供銷合作社的有關全國性的各種規章; 三、編制全國供銷合作社經濟計劃;審核與批准省(自治區)供銷合作社的經濟計劃,並組織與監督其完成; (Adopted by the First Congress of the All-China Cooperative on July 25, 1954) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 The All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (hereinafter referred to as the “All-China Federation of Trade Unions”) is a federation of supply and marketing cooperatives of provinces (autonomous regions) The organized and independent mass economic groups have the task of systematically organizing the supply and marketing of national supply and marketing cooperatives, expanding the exchange of materials between urban and rural areas, developing the cooperative businesses, and promoting the development of cooperative and cooperative rural production and gradually increasing the membership of Material, cultural life. Article 2 The Society shall take the following measures in order to fulfill the tasks stipulated in the first paragraph: 1. Holding the National Congress of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives; 2. Formulating various nationwide regulations for the supply and marketing cooperatives; 3. Formulating the economic plan of the national supply and marketing cooperatives; And authorize the economic plan of the supply and marketing cooperatives in the provinces (autonomous regions) and organize and supervise its completion;
The lifetime and luminescenceefficiency o Light emitting diode(LED)tend to drop rapidly with the increasing P-N junction temperature(Tj).To enhancethe heat diss
中职学校英语学生积极性并不高,教师还是在使用以前的教学模式,这就需要教师改变教学方法,寻找一些方法来提高学生的热情,让学生喜欢学习英语。变被动学习为主动学习,变被动接受为主动需求,养成良好的学习习惯。本文从注重教学过程的设计,创建民主和谐的课堂氛围,激发学生求知欲和兴趣,提供自由探究空间,重视教学活动反馈等方面阐述教师如何引导学生主动学习英语,提高课堂教学的有效性。  【关键词】中职;英语;教学;