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职工是社会主义企业的主体,企业活力的源泉在于职工积极性。如何调动职工积极性这已是人们的热门话题,已有不少文章、专论,从不同角度作了有益的探讨。我认为调动职工积极性的根本在于增强职工的工人阶级意识和思想觉悟。什么是职工的积极性?职工遵守劳动纪律,按时上下班,爱护公共财物,生产出合格产品,参加政治学习,是不是职工的积极性?应该说这些只是职工积极性的具体表现,然而还不是真正意义上的积极性。正如我们平时讲共产党人的党性一样,共产党员立足本职工作,遵纪守法,按时交纳党费,参加党的组织活动,这些只能说是党性的表现,但他不能等同于党 Workers are the mainstay of the socialist enterprise, the source of the vitality of enterprises lies in the enthusiasm of workers. How to mobilize the enthusiasm of workers This is a hot topic for people, there are many articles, monographs, from different angles made a useful discussion. In my opinion, the motivation for mobilizing staff and workers lies in enhancing the workers' awareness of working class and ideological consciousness. What is the enthusiasm of workers? Workers obey the labor discipline, work on time, care for public goods, to produce qualified products, to participate in political learning, is not the enthusiasm of workers? It should be said that these are only the specific performance of staff enthusiasm, however, yet not really The enthusiasm. Just as we usually talk about the party spirit of Communist Party members, party members are based on their own work, observe the law and discipline, pay party dues on time and participate in the party's organizational activities. These can only be described as manifestations of party spirit, but they can not be equated with party
1.用右面的方格纸剪形状的小图形,最多可以剪多少个?(练习九) [分析与解答]解题时若瞎碰硬凑不易得出正确的答案。只要将两个小图形如图互相咬合拼成一个有6个方格的长方形,
通过举例说明函数定义域解题的作用. Through the example of function definition domain problem solving function.