4月中旬,滨海县天场乡天场村党支部书记於学祥,终于等来了江苏省盐城市中级人民法院“驳回上诉,维持原判决”的终审裁定。 这样的裁定结果,是他不愿意看到的,但他又不得不面对。似乎在不经意之间,他成了一名犯罪嫌疑人,继而成为一名犯罪分子。手捧裁定书,於学祥仍认为自己是为村里办事,他感到自己有点冤。他真的冤吗? 去年,为配合支持国家重点工程淮河入海道建设,落实移民拆迁安置工作,9月15日上午,天场乡党委、政府召集天场村两委干部会,要求天场村落实拆迁安置,18
In mid-April, Yuet Cheung, secretary of the party branch of Tianchang Village, Tianchang Village, Binhai County, finally came to the final ruling of the Intermediate People’s Court of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, “to reject the appeal and uphold the original verdict.” He did not want to see such a verdict, but he had to face it again. Seems to be inadvertently, he became a suspect, then became a criminal. Hand holding the verdict, Yu Xuexiang still think he is doing things for the village, he felt a little injustice. Last year, in order to support the construction of the Huaihe Seaway for the state key projects and implement the relocation and resettlement work, on the morning of September 15, the party committee and government of Tianchang Township convened the cadres’ meeting of the two committees of Tianchang Village and called for Tianchang Village Implement resettlement, 18