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拖延现象在大学生中广泛存在,并对大学生的成绩、自尊和情绪等具有消极影响。公安院校肩负着培养适应时代要求、具有较高素质的人民警察的使命。公安院校的学生,作为预备警官,必须具备良好的心理素质才能适应未来形势发展的要求,才能胜任新时代警察的职业要求。本文针对公安院校学业拖延现象进行调研分析,并探讨进一步改善公安院校学业拖延现象的方法,以期填补公安院校学业拖延现象研究的空白,也希望为被拖延所困扰的学生提供启发和实践指导。 Procrastination is widespread among college students and has a negative impact on college students’ grades, self-esteem and mood. Public security colleges and universities shoulder the mission of training the people’s police who meet the requirements of the times and are of high quality. As a preparatory police officer, students in public security colleges and universities must have good psychological qualities to meet the requirements of the future development of the situation and be qualified for the job requirements of the police in the new era. In this paper, the investigation and analysis of the phenomenon of academic procrastination in police colleges and universities, and to explore ways to further improve the academic procrastination in public security institutions with a view to filling the gaps in the research on the phenomenon of academic procrastination in police colleges, but also to provide inspiration and practice for the students who are delayed by the delay guide.
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