再接再厉 做好下半年的经济工作

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今年上半年,全省各级各部门认真贯彻中央和省委经济工作会议精神,坚持稳中求进,大力推进两个根本性转变,全省国民经济保持了适度快速和平稳增长,呈现出良好的发展势头。据统计,上半年,全省国内生产总值增长12.1%,商品零售价格上涨1.9%。农业生产起步较好,春粮春油获得丰收,养殖业和乡镇企业继续保持较快发展。工业发展速度加快,乡及乡以上工业总产值完成648.6亿元,增长14.7%。重点建设继续得到加强,内外贸易和招商引资有新的进展,财政金融形势基本平稳。与此同时,经济结椅调整的力度加大,各项改革进一步深化,经济发展的环境继续改善,全省社会保持了基本稳定。当前经济运行中仍然存在一些突出的困难和问题。农业受自然灾害的威胁很大,抗灾夺丰收的任务十分艰巨;企业经济效益仍未有大的改观,停产半停产企业继续增加,下岗待业人员增多,再就业的压力大;生产和建设资金都十分紧张;需求不旺,产品积压严重,市场 In the first half of this year, the departments at all levels in the province conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Central Government and Provincial Party Committee’s Economic Working Conference, adhered to steady progress and vigorously promoted two fundamental changes. The national economy in the province maintained a moderate, rapid and steady growth with good results The momentum of development. According to statistics, in the first half of this year, the province’s GDP increased by 12.1% and the retail price of goods rose by 1.9%. Agricultural production started well and spring grain spring oil gained a good harvest. Aquaculture and township and village enterprises continued their rapid development. Industrial development accelerated, the township and township industrial output value 64.86 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7%. Key construction continued to be strengthened with new progress in internal and external trade and investment promotion, and the financial and financial situation was basically stable. In the meantime, efforts have been made to adjust the structure and structure of the economy, the reforms have been further deepened, the environment for economic development has continued to improve, and the province’s society has remained basically stable. There are still some outstanding difficulties and problems in the current economic operation. There is a great threat to agriculture from natural disasters. The task of harvesting crops is very arduous. The economic benefits of enterprises have not yet been greatly improved. Enterprises that stop production and semi-stop production continue to increase, the number of laid-off and unemployed workers increases, and the pressure for reemployment is high. The production and construction funds Very nervous; not good demand, product backlog, the market
进驻“鸟巢”    2003年12月24日,2008北京奥运会主体育场国家体育场破土动工。为期4年的“鸟巢”建筑工程轰轰烈烈地展开了。  山东省聊城市的阳谷,因当年武松打虎而著称的地方,16岁的初中生宋纯鲁手托下巴望着教室窗外白雪皑皑的操场发呆。过了这个年就要面临中考了,同学们都埋头于书本间为他们将来的大学梦奋斗。宋纯鲁成绩一般,考上重点高中的希望渺茫,一想到学习、背书、考试,宋纯鲁就头疼。  2
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