
来源 :环球军事 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miaohaikun0
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1940年6月,纳粹德国占领法国。法兰西人民并没有就此屈服。戴高乐将军随即在伦敦成立了法兰西民族委员会和自由法国运动,决心同德国法西斯战斗到底。被解散的法国情报机构也没有束手待毙,大部分军官秘密加入了抵抗运动的行列,遍布各地的情报组织纷纷创立。“房产公司”是其中最秘密、最活跃的情报网。它在著名情报战专家拉福雷少校领导下,取得了十分重大的成绩。“房产公司”拥有许多优秀谍报人员,其中最具代表性的是拉福雷的第一助手马尔商。正是他的机智和勇敢,拯救了“房产公司”,使他成为法国沦陷时期最富传奇色彩的间谍。 In June 1940, Nazi Germany occupied France. The French people did not give in to this. General de Gaulle then established the French National Commission and the Free France Movement in London, determined to fight the German fascists to the end. The disbanded French intelligence agencies also did not give up, most of the officers secretly joined the ranks of the resistance movement, all over the intelligence organizations have been created. “Real Estate Company” is one of the most secret, most active intelligence network. Under the leadership of the famous intelligence warfare expert Major Lafreau, it has made remarkable achievements. “Real Estate Company” has many excellent intelligence personnel, the most representative of which is Lafayette’s first aide, Maltese. It was his wit and courage that saved the Real Estate Company and made him the most legendary spy during the fall of France.
“兵者,诡道也。”孙子的这句至理名言,道出了战争中克敌制胜的法宝。“上兵伐谋、先谋后战、谋而后胜”是军事斗争领域的普遍真理。通过谋略,拥有优势的一方更能稳操 “S
导学案和教材一样,是课程资源,是适合学生实际的校本教材,是学生自主学习、合作探究的路线图。编写时要做到课时化、问题化、参与化、方法化、层次化、评价化。 Like the te
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当一件军服的人 才资源链包含两个院 士、两个博士、一个 高级工程师……你能想 到的也许不仅是这件军 服的科技流程,而是它 背后更为神秘的人才秘 密。当一个运行畅通的 人
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