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總行指示,下半年人民銀行的主要工作是:「通過冬貸和其他各種貸款,大力組織内地生產和外匯工作的聯繫,有效的刺激生產,掌握外匯;同時,通過貸款和內匯,開展、促進城鄉物資交流,以恢復工農業生產。」山西省委在工作佈置中明確的指示:「今天的領導中心已轉入城市和發展工業,為了發展工業,又必須加强農村工作,發展農業生產。農業生產必須照顧到城市工業的需要,發展工業能提高農業生產,農業生產反可以帮助工業生產,也只有農村富裕起來,農民購買力提高之後,工業品才有銷路。所以山西省分行下半年的工作計劃,應着重從以下幾點作考慮: 一、從總行和省委的佈置舆要求来說,我們今冬的首位工作,便是支持國營貿易與合作社組織,收購農產品,積存工業 The head office indicated that in the second half of the year, the PBC will work mainly as follows: “To vigorously organize the links between production and foreign exchange in the Mainland through winter loans and various other loans so as to stimulate production and control foreign exchange effectively; and at the same time, carry out and promote loans and foreign exchanges Exchange of materials between urban and rural areas to resume industrial and agricultural production. ”In its work arrangement, Shanxi Provincial Party Committee clearly indicated:“ Today’s leadership center has been transferred to cities and industrial development. In order to develop industry, we must also strengthen rural work and develop agricultural production. ”Agriculture Production must take care of the needs of urban industries. Developing industry can increase agricultural production. Agricultural production can help industrial production. Only after the rural areas have become prosperous and the peasants’ purchasing power have increased, the industrial products can be sold. Therefore, the work plan of the Shanxi branch in the second half of the year , We should focus on the following points for consideration: First, from the arrangement of the headquarters and the provincial party committee, the first task of our winter is to support state trading and cooperative organizations, acquire agricultural products and accumulate industries
《读书》一九八三年第四期102页《买书琐谈》读后,稍觉不妥。  陈直先生所著《汉书新证》《史记新证》精装本固然是廉价了,但黄志和同志未曾想到,此两书皆有平装本,且价格、印数都更适合读者。请看:《史记新证》平装本,价0.68元,一九七九年印数二万六千册。《汉书新证》平装本,价1.52元,一九七九年三月第二版第一次印刷二万三千二百一十册,一九五九年此书第一版第一次印刷一千六百册。这样看来,如果精装本暂
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专业代码专业名称学制招生类别专科计划备  注0 80 80 1水利水电工程三年理科 1 60城市水利技术三年理科 5 0现代灌排技术三年理科 600 80 741建筑工程三年理科 900 80 748
长江干线禁采江砂已经2a,湖北省境内的8个可采区将于10月逐步开禁。 根据水利部规划,长江中下游于流河道设33个可采区。其中,湖北省境内有铁板洲、人民洲、东槽洲、巴河口、
20 0 3年 2月 19日下午 ,国务院三峡工程建设委员会办公室水库管理司吴国平司长到长江委设计院综勘局调研 ,陈飞书记、石伯勋副院长向吴司长介绍了综勘局在三峡库区的工作情
1 对今年防汛抗旱形势的分析 北京已连续4年持续干旱,水资源形势严峻。今年北京地区防汛抗旱形势有3个特点: (1)可能出现大的汛情。1—3月全市平均降水量35mm,比多年同期 1