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采购笔记本电脑首先应考虑避免思维识别的误区。以下是几种可能你在购买中碰到的误区,但只要仔细思考,这些“盲点”看起来并不难发觉。评测误区有很多刊物和实验室会将其评测结果公布于众。这些可以作为选择根据吗?考虑笔记本电脑评测的价值必须考虑 (1)评测的实验室本身的权威性,采用评测的设备和软件的权威性。 (2)评测的机器和市场上所见的机器是否一致,有些媒体转载的美国或其他地区的媒体评测资料,事实上和国内见到的电脑并不相同。 (3)评测中的可比性。一些评测不能将产品进行合理分类,使产品缺乏可比性。 (4)由于评测的周期和一些期刊的发行周期造成评测机型的滞后也是用户应提醒自己在参考评测结果时需要注意的。所以说评测只能是媒体为用户提供购买选择的一种建议。 Purchasing laptops should first consider the mistakes to avoid thinking. Here are just a few of the errors you may have encountered during the purchase, but with careful thought, these “blind spots” do not seem to be hard to find. Evaluation errors There are many publications and laboratories will publish its evaluation results in public. These can be used as a basis for selection? Consideration of the value of laptop evaluation must take into account (1) the authority of the laboratory itself, using the evaluation equipment and software authority. (2) Whether the machines tested are consistent with those found in the market. Some media sources in the United States or elsewhere report that the media evaluation information is not the same as that seen at home. (3) Evaluation of the comparability. Some evaluation can not be a reasonable product classification, the lack of comparability of products. (4) Due to the evaluation cycle and the issue cycle of some periodicals, the lag of the evaluation model also means that users should remind themselves that they should pay attention to the reference evaluation results. So evaluation can only be the media to provide users with a choice of purchase advice.
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本文叙述快速摆动反射望远镜红外斩波副镜的调制技术及其在天文望远镜中的应用。 This article describes the modulation technique of the fast chopped reflection teles