Expanded Vermiculite Based Adsorbent

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  Received: January 13, 2012 / Accepted: February 09, 2012 / Published: April 25, 2012.
  Abstract: The paper deals with the results of investigations of the adsorption characteristic of expanded vermiculite from South Kazakhstani deposits. It is described certain peculiarities of the thermal expansion of a vermiculite layer. The perspectives of the use of expanded vermiculite for purifying oil and oil fractions have been discussed.
  Key words: Expanded vermiculite, adsorbent, oil products, purification.
   product of change of a biotite with lowered maintenance of K2О and with the increased maintenance of Н2О.
  These samples are presented by plates of brown mica. As impurity are observed a calcite, chloride crystals, quartz. The results (Table 3) basically don’t contradict with the literary data [1]; by object of researches in our work is chosen Kulantaussky vermiculite.
  3.2 Results of Oil and Petrochemical Substances Purifying with the Use of Expanded Vermiculite
  Oil and the obtained fractions were passed through a column filled by vermiculite granules (adsorbent), and then physical and chemical features of the received products have been analyzed (Table 3).
  Researchers have been carried out for vermiculite with the various sizes of granules d = 6, d = 4.5 d = 3.5 d = 2.0.
  Experiments have shown the appreciable decrease of the maintenance of sulfur and the temperature of solidification with the reduction of the sizes of vermiculite granules.
  4. Conclusions
  Researches of physical and chemical characteristics of oil fractions fr.217-3500С from Karazhanbass deposit have shown that the maintenance of sulfur after adsorption purifying of fractions by expanded vermiculite has decreased from 0.85% to 0.2%, and the temperature of solidification of diesel fuel has come nearer to -20 °C.
  It means that connections with sulfur and paraffin hydrocarbons are weakened, and they are precipitated on an adsorbent. That leads also to density change.
  Viscosity under the temperature change from 20 °C to 50 °C became lower, but the flash temperature became higher than 100 °C (Table 3).
  Results of researches of oil fractions fr.350-f.b. °C have shown that sulfur concentration changed from 0.91% to 0.5% while the temperature of solidification has decreased to -17 °C. Accordingly the density and viscosity have gone down with reduction of diameter of vermiculite granules. So the temperature of solidification has come nearer to winter diesel fuel. In thermogasoil the sulfur concentration has decreased to 0.5%. From four investigated diameters of Kulantau vermiculite (d = 6, d = 4.5 d = 3.5 d = 2.0) the most optimum used for purifying is d = 2.0 mm.
  Thus, the results of our researches of oil purifying with use of expanded vermiculite have shown that vermiculite of Southern Kazakhstan deposits is a perspective adsorbent. The essential improvement of qualitative characteristics of oil products after purifying process has been reached. The economic efficiency caused by availability and cheapness of a material is thus confirmed.
  [1] V.V. Polyakov, P.L. Klimenko, Results of prospecting works on vermiculite in South Kazakhstan, Research and Application of Vermiculite, Nauka, Leningrad, 1999, pp. 44-40.
  [2] S.J. Gregg, K.S.W. Sing, Adsorption, Surface Area and Porosity, AP, 1982, p. 407.
  [3] K.K. Syrmanova, Z.B. Kaldybekova, The peculiarities of the expansion process of Kulantau vermiculite, Science and Education of South Kazakhstan 7 (47) (2005) 87-90
  [4] N.I. Gelperin, Main processes and apparatuses of chemical technology, M.: Chimia, 1981, p. 812.
  [5] C. Aharoni, M.J.B. Evans, Fundamentals of Adsorption, Proc. IYth. Conf., Kyoto, 1992, p. 17.
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