Computer Simulation of the Continuous Annealing Recrystallization for Cold-Rolled Strip in Galvanizi

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ullige000
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The continuous heating transformation program is developed to investigate the influence of continuous annealing technological parameters on recrystalization for cold-rolled strip in galvanizing line.This program can be used for the calculation of the continuous annealing temperature field of strip steel,determination of the start and end time of recrystallization in continuous heating process,and procurement of the continuous heating transformation diagram.The temperature field for continuous annealing is simulated by means of finite difference method.Based on the Scheil superposition principle,the continuous heating transformation curve is obtained by using time temperature transformation(TTT)curve which is measured experimentally.The developed program has been used in practice,and the strip speed on production line increases bv more than 10%. The continuous heating transformation program is developed to investigate the influence of continuous annealing technological parameters on recrystalization for cold-rolled strip in galvanizing line. This program can be used for the calculation of the continuous annealing temperature field of strip steel, determination of the start and end time of recrystallization in continuous heating process, and procurement of the continuous heating transformation curve. The temperature field for continuous annealing is simulated by means of finite difference method. Based on the Scheil superposition principle, the continuous heating transformation curve is obtained by using time temperature transformation (TTT) curve which is measured experimentally. The developed program has been used in practice, and the strip speed on production line increases bv more than 10%.
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