做科技创新的助推器 访中国纺织工程学会常务副理事长毕国典

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成立于1930年的中国纺织工程学会,迄今已走过了76年的光辉历程。多年来,学会在促进纺织产业科学普及,加强科技工作者的成果交流,促进行业科技进步方面做出了卓越贡献。面对新时期科技创新已成为产业升级的重要动力,学会更是在工作思路上与时俱进,不断创新,围绕纺织业技术进步、产业升级、提高核心竞争力等方面找准切入点,为企业科技创新提供特色服务,受到企业的普遍欢迎。中国纺织工程学会为企业服务的特色是什么-在科技创新的大潮中将发挥怎样的作用-学会常务副理事长毕国典日前接受了本刊记者的采访。 Founded in 1930, China Textile Engineering Society, so far has gone 76 years of glorious history. Over the years, the Institute has made outstanding contributions to promoting the popularization of science in the textile industry, enhancing the exchange of achievements among scientists and technologists and promoting scientific and technological progress in the industry. Faced with the new era of science and technology innovation has become an important impetus to industrial upgrading, learning is working with the times on the train of thought, constant innovation, focusing on technological progress in the textile industry, industrial upgrading, improve core competitiveness, and identify the entry point for Enterprise technology innovation to provide special services, generally welcomed by the enterprise. Chinese Textile Engineering Society for the service of the characteristics of what is - in the tide of scientific and technological innovation will play what role - Vice president learned more than a day ago Bi Guodian interviewed correspondents.
英语中有的符号和词汇,如果我们了解其原义,则有助于更好地理解其用法.笔者根据平时学习所得,对下列几个符号和词汇的词义来源作点说明,供学习英语者参考. 1.$$ 美元符号,我
在英语中,能表示“傻瓜”之意的词,除常见的 fool 一词外,还有 goose,gooseberry,loggerhead,looney,simpleton,pantaloon,dolt 等。笔者愿对这些“傻瓜”的来源作一上溯和
DEFINITION定义:Dejected;gloomy;sad ordiscouraged情绪低落;忧郁;不愉快或气馁 ILLUSTRATIVE SENTENCES例句: 1.After their team lost the game, both theplayers and th
在英语中,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级常用某些词或词组加以修饰,来加强语气。本文就常见的一些修饰语作一简述。一、比较级的修饰语主要用于两种结构: 1.用于修饰as (so)
可别小看冠词the,有它无它,意思有别。英语自有其本身的习惯说法.我们在学习中要时刻注意。请看下面的例子: 1.You can consult with the Party secretary in case of need.