
来源 :高等学校化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djkangzi
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A molecular thermodynamic model for polyelectrolyte solutions without the added salt has been developed in this work. It includes three contributions. The first term is the contribution from the mixture of charged hard spheres which is determined by using Blum′s MSA model. The second term is that from bonding of polyion segments which is calculated through two-particle cavity correlation function accounting for the correlation in the nearest-neighbour segments of polyion. The third term accounts for the stickiness between the polyion and its counterions beyond the territorial binding. Thermodynamic properties of polyelectrolyte solution can be described satisfactorily. It includes three contributions. The first term is the contribution from the mixture of charged hard spheres which is determined by using Blum’s MSA model. The second term is that from bonding of polyion segments which is calculated through two-particle cavity correlation function accounting for the correlation in the nearest-neighbor segments of polyion. The third term accounts for the stickiness between the polyion and its counterions beyond the territorial binding. of polyelectrolyte solution can be described satisfactorily.
用浸渍法制备了组成为V2O5∶P2O5∶SiO2 =20∶x∶100(x =0 ~60,质量比)的VPO/SiO2 催化剂,用TPR,IR和TPD法测定了苯和氧在催化剂表面的吸附,在无气相氧和吸附氧存在的条件下用连续TPD 方法测定了苯化学吸附与催化剂表面活性
简要报道了新型双折射晶体高温相偏硼酸钡α-BaB2O4晶体在国内外属首次的人工合成,与天然方解石、钒酸钇作了比较,测试了532nm的折射率α-BaB2O4晶体是一种理想的紫外双折射晶体。 The novel bire
The optical stability of chiral 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetic acid in electron ionization mass spectrometry(EIMS) process has been detected directly by deuterium la
针对策动力F(x,t)=Q·sinωt作用下的一维动力学初-边值问题,直接从控制微分方程出发,提出了该计算方法.该方法在空间域采用微分积分DQ法(Differential QuadratureMethod),在