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中国社会科学院社会学所所长陆学艺:放开户口会导致三大问题吗放开户口有利于扩大内需,发展市场经济。从国际经验看,市场经济国家要在进入中等收入水平后才出现买方市场,而我国2000年人均GDP刚超过800美元,却在1997年就出现买方市场。其最主要的原因是,现行户籍制度把农民约束在农村,限制了他们的购买力。从而从根本上限制了消费市场的启动。要发展市场经济,扩大内需,必须抓紧改革现行的户籍制度。放开户口有利于加快城市化步伐。当前,对城市居民实行一种政策,对农村农民实行另一种政策,形成了我国特有的二元社会结构。20世纪90年代以来,城乡差距逐年扩大。据国家统计局2000年的统计数据,城乡居民收入差距已达2.79:1。如加上其他因素,城乡差距当在3.5:1以上,而且这种差距还有继续扩大的趋势。不解决这些问题,很难推进城市化。放开户口有利于调动9亿农民的积极性。现代化国家的历史证明,工业化、现代化过程,是农民无论 Lu Xueyi, director of the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Letting go of accounts will lead to three major problems. Letting go of accounts is conducive to expanding domestic demand and developing a market economy. From the international experience, the market economy countries only need to enter the buyer’s market after entering the middle-income level. However, China’s GDP per capita in 2000 just exceeded 800 U.S. dollars, but the buyer’s market appeared in 1997. The main reason is that the current household registration system restricts peasants to rural areas, which limits their purchasing power. Thus fundamentally limiting the launch of the consumer market. To develop a market economy and expand domestic demand, we must pay close attention to the reform of the current household registration system. Letting go of your account will help speed up the pace of urbanization. At present, a policy is adopted for urban residents and another policy is adopted for rural peasants, forming a unique dual social structure in our country. Since the 1990s, the gap between urban and rural areas has been expanding year by year. According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics in 2000, the income gap between urban and rural residents has reached 2.79: 1. If we add other factors, the gap between urban and rural areas should be above 3.5: 1, and this gap will continue to expand. Without solving these problems, it is very difficult to promote urbanization. Letting go of your account is conducive to arousing the enthusiasm of 900 million peasants. The history of modernized countries shows that the process of industrialization and modernization is no matter farmer