Parents Anger at $730 Armani School Uniforms 730美元的阿玛尼校服惹怒日本家长

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  Parents of a Tokyo elementary school are up in arms1 at being asked to pay $730 for their children’s school uniforms.
  A public elementary school in Tokyo’s upmarket2 Ginza district has decided to adopt new school uniforms designed by the luxury Italian designer Armani. The bespoke3 uniforms, which include a hat and bag, are priced at over $730 each.
  Parents are angry at the school’s decision and are protesting4 at the exorbitant5 price for a uniform of an eight-year-old child. The school said it wanted a designer uniform that represented the rich area of Ginza. School officials visited top department stores and decided to ask the fashion brand Armani to design the uniform.
  The expensive uniform has created such a fuss6 that it has been discussed in Japan’s parliament7. One lawmaker said that since the school is public and not private, “a certain price range needs to be considered”. Finance Minister Taro Aso said, “Clearly it’s expensive. It would be tough if a student could not afford to pay for it.” Japan’s education minister said steps would be taken to ensure the financial burden placed on parents for uniforms“would not be excessive8”. Twitter users said young children are not interested in designer clothes. The school principal said, “With humility, I take the criticism. I will go on explaining carefully to those concerned.”
  1. be up in arms 竭力反对
  2. upmarket adj. 高档的;高级的
  3. bespoke adj. 定做的
  4. protest vi. 抗议;断言
  5. exorbitant adj. (要价等)过高的
  6. fuss n. 大惊小怪;小题大作;忙乱
  7. parliament n. 议会,国会
  8. excessive adj. 极度的;过分的
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