How to reduce foreign language anxiety of high school students

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  Language learning situations are very easily affected by anxiety arousal(Price,1991). Consequently,both teachers and students usually feel that anxiety is a chief barrier to be overcome in learning another language,and several recent approaches to foreign language teaching are explicitly adopted to reduce learners’ anxiety(Horwitz & Young,1991). As a second language practitioner,I often notice that some of my students feel anxious in their English language learning. Sometimes they are anxious about speaking English before their peer classmates. Some of them are very nervous whenever I ask them to answer questions,even if they know the answer to the question. In addition,some other students are anxious about their abilities to learn English well enough. Consequently,they experience great anxiety when a language test comes. With the purpose of learning more about the language anxiety and helping my students to reduce their anxiety,I take on this topic as my research question. The aim is to consider the causes and effects of language anxiety,and strategies for overcoming it. I conclude by recommending how to help the students to reduce the anxiety.
  2.Definitions and context
  According to psychologists,anxiety is usually described as an incomprehensible or vague fear,maybe only implicitly associated with an object,or a state of nervousness(Scovel,1978). Spielberger (1983) argued that anxiety is the personal feeling of tension,apprehension,nervousness,and worry related to an arousal of the autonomic anxious system. Foreign language classroom anxiety has been viewed as different from other sorts of anxiety(Foss & Reitzel,1988). It is seen as a combination of other types of anxiety which consists of communication apprehension,fear of negative assessment and test anxiety(Horwitz & Young,1991). Foreign language anxiety refers to situation—specific anxiety arising from a shortfall in foreign language ability and is different from trait anxiety which is linked to personality(Gass & Selinker,2001). Anxiety can have a negative effect on their language learning experience in many ways and reducing their anxiety can facilitate language acquisition and increase the motivation of language learning (Renee,1998).
  3.Causes of language anxiety
  Generally speaking,research shows that language anxiety has many causes. For example,it may be the students,the instructors,the methodology or even the process of teaching. Anxiety may also result from low self-esteem,unrealistic beliefs on the target language,pessimistic experience from the target language or culture (Renee,1998).
  Sometimes foreign language class itself can arouse anxiety. Horwitz & Young(1991) maintain that foreign language class may be more demanding and harder than other courses,therefore causing higher anxiety than other courses. At the same time,students who are worried about exams may perform badly under great pressure by their teachers and/or parents. These environmental influences also can increase students’ anxiety (Rotenberg,2002). Since speaking in the target language seems to be the most threatening part of foreign language learning,Horwitz & Young(1991) demonstrate that the present emphasis on the development of communicative competence create great difficulties for the anxious students. Besides,quantitative studies have shown the correlation between foreign language anxiety and certain variable in personality such as perfectionism and fear of public speaking.
  4.Negative effects of language anxiety
  Although language teachers have known for long that many students experience discomfort in their learning,researchers haven’t described a clear picture of how anxiety have effects on language learning (Horwitz & Young,1991). Nevertheless,MacIntyre(1999) summarizes research on the effects of language anxiety in four areas: academic,cognitive,social and personal. Trylong(1987) found that,although aptitude,attitude,and anxiety all interrelate in the language learning practice,anxiety contributes much more than the other two. In terms of the negative effects on different language skills,MacIntyre & Gardner (1991) reveal that anxiety restricts short-term and long-term memory and causes diminished performance on a number of tasks including listening,speaking,reading,and comprehension. He suggests powerfully that anxiety may have a negative effect on the language learning process. In particular,many researches offer support on these aspects. Research in speech communication suggests anxiety can affect a person’s performance,for example,the quality of a person’s communication or motivation to communicate(Daly & Stafford,1984). Speech communication is not the only field in which researchers have identified that anxiety can have negative effects on language learners. Daly & Millers’ (1975b) study writing apprehension suggests that anxiety may not only produce less proficient writing; it may also be reflected in occupation choice and other wide-ranging consequences. Moreover,Ely(1986) found that anxiety had a negative effect on the classroom participation,which as a result affects attainment in language learning.
  5.Teaching strategies to reduce language anxiety
  Since the negative effect of anxiety makes many students uncomfortable in their foreign language learning and accordingly causes the low efficiency of classroom teaching,something must be done to decrease the learners’ anxiety. The consciousness of the problem of foreign language anxiety should be enhanced and taken seriously by both teachers and students to help instructors and learners to improve the language learning experience(Renee,1998). As Horwitz & Young(1991) suggest,reducing the anxiety related to language learning will require the joint efforts of both teachers and students. We must help students realize why they become anxious and recommend strategies to them to cope with anxiety. To begin with,we must recognize students’ feelings of lack of confidence and let them know that their worry is not only shared by other language learners but also acknowledged by their teachers. Most important of all,we must listen to our students when they tell their own feelings on language learning.
  Even though there seem to be no easy or straightforward ways to solve the problem of language anxiety,techniques and strategies can be found to make some of the activities less worrying and frightening (Renee,1998). For example,teachers could include a number of small-group or one-to-one activities in their everyday language teaching. They can provide the anxious students more opportunities to practise the target language without the whole class as an audience. When the anxious students are speaking in a big group situation,teachers’ corrections should be made as it should be. In this way,the anxious students would never feel ridiculed(Horwitz & Young,1991). In foreign language classroom settings,some practical strategies can be used to lessen the amount of situational nervousness which a student feels.
  Firstly,the literature recommends not to seat students in alphabet order; secondly,do not require the students to do oral performances,but let them do it voluntarily; subsequently,do not ask the students to answer questions randomly,because even if the anxious students are prepared,the randomness of the questioning and also the unpredictability of the talk still makes him or her more apprehensive. Lastly,never punish classroom talk. A better strategy is to reward appropriate talk,and when you punish any sort of talk in public tell the students that talks are welcome as long as they are task relevant(Horwitz & Young,1991). In addition,Horwitz & Young(1991) suggest that instructors can reduce students’ anxiety by giving them more positive reinforcement,encouraging them to make mistakes,and helping them to build up more reasonable expectations of themselves. What is more,they would feel more relaxed if the teacher were more like a friend helping them than an authority figure making them perform.
  With respect to language evaluation,alternative assessments are likely to lower test and foreign language anxiety and produce opportunities for students to experience success,obtain strategic skills and take control of their own learning process (Rotenberg,2002).
  As is shown above,many questions are associated with foreign language learning and anxiety from every aspect of this field. Anxiety has many causes,and it has negative effects on language learning. Nevertheless,some practical teaching strategies can help to reduce learners’ anxiety in the classroom. Although this paper considers a small proportion of the research in this area,it has constructed a more clearly understanding of language anxiety and,most important of all,offered some guidance for its reduction. In conclusion,I would recommend that teachers should pay serious attention to the hard problem and help the students to reduce their anxiety.
  Campbell,C. M.,& Ortiz,C. A. (1991). Helping students overcome foreign language anxiety: A foreign language anxiety workshop. In E. K. Horwitz & D. J. Young,(Eds.) (1991). Language Anxiety: From theory and research to classroom implications (pp. 153-168). Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice- Hall
  Daly,J. A.,& Miller,M. D. (1975b). The empirical development of an instrument to measure writing apprehension. Research in the Teaching of English,9,242-256
  Daly,J. A.,& Stafford,L. (1984). Correlates and consequences of social communicative anxiety. In J. A. Daly & J. C. McCroskey (Eds.),Avoiding communication: Shyness,reticence,and communication apprehension (pp. 125-144). Beverly Hills,CA: Sage
  Ely,C. M. (1986). An analysis of discomfort,risktaking,sociability,and motivation in the L2 classroom. Language Learning,36,1-25
  E. K. Horwitz & D. J. Young,(Eds.) (1991). Language Anxiety: From theory and research to classroom implications. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice- Hall
  Foss,K. A.,& Reitzel,A. C. (1988). A relational model for managing second language anxiety. TESOL Quarterly,20,559-562
  Gass,S. M.,& Selinker,L. (2001). Second language acquisition. Mahwah,NJ: Erlbaum
  MacIntyre,P. D. (1999). Language anxiety: A review of the research for language teachers. In D. J. Young (Ed.),Affect in foreign language and second language learning: A practical guide to creating a low-anxiety classroom atmosphere,(pp. 24-45). Boston: McGraw-Hill
  MacIntyre,P. D.,& Gardner,R. C. (1991). Methods and results in the study of anxiety and language learning: A review of the literature. Language Learning,41,85-117
  Price,M. L. (1991). The subjective experience of foreign language anxiety: Interviews with highly anxious students. In E. K. Horwitz & D. J. Young,(Eds.) (1991). Language Anxiety: From theory and research to classroom implications. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice- Hall
  Renee,V. W. (1998). An investigation of students’ perspectives on foreign language anxiety. Ph. D. Dissertation,George Mason University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 479986)
  Rotenberg,A.M.,(2002). A classroom research project: The psychological effects of standardized testing on young English language learners at different language proficiency levels. Reports-research. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 472651)
  Scovel,T. (1978). The effect on foreign language learning: A review of the anxiety research. Language Learning,28,129-142
  Spielberger,C. (1983). Manual for the state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI-Form Y). Palo Alto,CA: Consulting Psychologists Press
  Trylong,V. L. (1987). Aptitude,attitudes,and anxiety: A study of their relationships to achievement in the foreign language classroom. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN
摘要:听、说、读、写是语言学习的四大基本要素,掌握一门语言,得从听懂开始。随着对语言研究的深入,新课程背景下高中英语教学越来越重视听力教学的地位。但是,近年来我们的听力教学仍存在一些误区与弊端。本文旨在针对这些问题,结合笔者的教学实践对高中英语教育中的听力教学谈一点笔者的体会。  关键词:高中英语 听力教学 有效性教学 策略    《新课标》中明确提出高中英语教学的最终目标是培养学生的综合语言运用
[摘要]英语阅读教学是英语教学的薄弱点,本文通过思考初中英语阅读教学方式中存在的主要问题,探求如何指导学生培养阅读技能的方法。  [关键词]思考 英语阅读教学 主要问题 培养 阅读技能    根据教育部颁发的《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准》(以下简称新《标准》),对初中英语阅读教学的目标作了分级定位,初步培养学生英语综合运用能力,和学生获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,为学生
摘要:写作是外语学习者的一项必须掌握的技能。中国学生在英语写作过程中犯了许多受汉语负迁移影响的错误表达。本文就作者在批改学生英语写作时发现的受汉语负迁移的现象作了举例,接着分析了错误产生的原因,最后讨论如何从各方面提高写作水平的途径。  关键词:错误举例 错误分析 提高策略    1.引言  通过国家大学英语四、六级考试是中国大学生在校期间的一大目标。而四、六级考试的最后一部分是短文写作,这也是学
摘要:分层次教学给高中英语教学改革注入了新的活力。但是,传统的教学观念影响着教师对分层次教学的组织实施。如果分层次教学的各项措施未能全面到位,必然会或多或少地引起教学上的混乱。几年来的英语分层教学实践,使笔者认识到要想确保分层教学的实效,就要高度重视教学各要素的准确把握以及有效实施分层教学策略。  关键词: 班级分层教学 实效 对策    班级分层教学即建立在班级学生个体差异背景下的针对性教学,在
[摘要]新一轮课改已经在全国大多数省份展开。那么,在新课改背景下,怎样上好高中英语第一课呢?这应该是一个值得研究的重要课题。笔者认为这堂课既要继承传统,又要富有创新。经过多年研究,笔者创造的“首课六步教学法”,实践证明行之有效。  [关键词]首课 六步曲 万般情    作为高中英语教师,上好高一年级第一堂英语课非常重要,这堂课是学生进入高中阶段的第一课,所以它不仅关系到教师在学生心目中留下的印象,
摘要:本文试图通过对情景教学法的教学理论基础进行分析,指出其作用机制,提出具体的工作原理和指导原则,强调英语语言教学中情景设置和学生的主体作用,并通过工作中的实例展示了情景教学法在初中英语教学中的几种典型的活动及其优越性。  关键词:建构主义认识论 情景教学法 初中英语教学    新《英语课程标准》将教师的角色定位于学生素质发展的合作者、鼓励者和引导者。充分体现教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,并积
【摘要】早读是一天学习的开始,是教学过程中不可忽视的重要环节,本文就如何高效利用英语早读,提高早读的含金量,激发学生读书热情,谈一些想法和做法。  【关键词】高效利用 英语早读 激发热情    一日之计在于晨,早晨空气清新,学生精力充沛,记忆力强,正是读书的黄金时间。早读是一天学习的开始,是英语课堂的延伸,是英语教学过程中不可忽视的重要环节,如何提高早读的含金量?这是每一个英语老师值得去探索,去实
小学英语课程标准中要求学生能正确朗读所学故事或短文,但是如果学生语音不过关的话就很难达到这些要求。现在普遍存在着这样的问题,那就是学生离开了书本就不认识单词,更别说是让他们独立地拼读单词。那么小学生如何学习语音,如何学会一种切实可行的语音学习方法呢?笔者认为直拼法语音教学可以让学生用比较少的时间,初步掌握一定的拼读能力,尤其是对中高年级学生特别适合。  直拼法是指按字母、字母组合的发音规律拼读、拼