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上海要成为国际航运中心,必须拥有一个发达的国际航运市场,其中包括拥有丰富的国际运输货源,拥有大量国际运输承运人,以及从事国际货运的代理人、经纪人,上述各方在公平竞争的环境中从事各种形式的航运交易行为.从当今国际航运中心发展趋势来看,其层次的评价标准,并不是根据港口总吞吐量的大小,而要看国际集装箱吞吐量的大小,特别是这个港口干线班轮的密度和支线的网络化程度,以及国际集装箱中转量的大小.上海自1996年以来,其干线班轮密度大幅增加.目前,欧、美、地中海等远洋主干航线直达班轮每月已达60多班,长江与沿海支线航班每月多达200班,上海已一改过去支线喂给港地位,正在逐步向干线港方向发展.国内外主要班轮公司都已进驻上海,有71家中外船公司在上海开展集装箱运输业务,上海已是国际集装箱运输市场的重要组成部分.因此,上海航运市场应具有符合国际惯例的,高效、规范、公平竞争的市场运作环境. To become an international shipping center, Shanghai must have a developed international shipping market which includes abundant international transport sources, a large number of international transport carriers and agents and agents engaged in international freight transport. All these parties must have fair competition Environment in all forms of shipping transactions from today's international shipping center development trend, the level of evaluation criteria, not based on the total port throughput size, but depends on the size of the international container throughput, in particular, this The density of port lines and the network of feeder lines, as well as the size of international container transshipment, Shanghai has seen a substantial increase in the liner density of its trunk lines since 1996. At present, direct liner services for ocean-going major routes in Europe, the United States and the Mediterranean reach the monthly threshold More than 60 flights and up to 200 flights per month on the Yangtze River and the coast, Shanghai has changed its status as a feeder feeder to Hong Kong and is gradually moving to the main line. Major domestic and foreign liner companies have entered Shanghai with 71 Chinese and foreign vessels Shanghai Container Transport Company in Shanghai to carry out business, Shanghai is already an important part of the international container transport market.Therefore, Shanghai The shipping market should have a market operating environment that is in line with international practice, efficient, standardized and fair competition.
交通运输滞后已成为临沧地区发展国民经济的主要制约因素,加快交通建设步伐是国民经济和社会发展的迫切需要。 The lag of transport has become the main constraint in the
2 Legal Characters of Other Maritime Liens2.1 Introduction to Article 6 in Convention 1993 “Other maritime liens” as contained in Artide 6 of Con-vention 199
需求背景 中国是世界上航空业增长最快的国家之一,在过去10年内以每年20%的速度增长。总体上来看,航空旅行业的扩大增加了全球机场的竞争压力,迫使机场更加高效地运转来提高