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“在产业结构调整中,一个难点是原有人员的安置问题。上个世纪60年代在矿区就业的员工有60万人,今天只有3.5万人,也就是说50多万人都转到了其他行业。能不能请您介绍一下这些人现在的就业状况,特别是就业结构的情况?”提出上述问题的是中国国家主席胡锦涛,时间是11月上旬的一天,地点是在德国鲁尔工业区。当听说鲁尔集团的矿工已由当年的60万人减至如今的3.5万人时,一直高度关注下岗职工再就业问题的胡主席首先提出了这个问题。鲁尔,这个世界著名的老工业区、欧盟诞生的雏形,也因为这次特殊的访问,与万里之外的中国经济发生了微妙的联系。 One of the difficulties in the adjustment of industrial structure is the resettlement of existing personnel: in the 1960s there were 600,000 people employed in mining areas and today there are only 35,000 people, meaning that more than 500,000 people have been transferred to other places Industry. Could you please tell us about the current employment situation of these people, especially the employment structure? "The Chinese President Hu Jintao put forward the above questions, the time is one day in early November, and the location is in Ruhr industrial area of ​​Germany . When I heard that the miners of the Ruhr Group had been reduced from 600,000 in the current year to 35,000 today, President Hu, who has been paying close attention to the issue of reemployment of laid-off workers, first raised this issue. Ruhr, the world-famous old industrial area and the embryonic form of the EU, also made subtle connections with the Chinese economy beyond the bounds of this special visit.
Q:承租人根据什么基本原则选择融资租赁和经营租赁? A:经营租赁在电脑、仪器仪表、医疗器械、飞机、汽车等技术含量较高,技术更新迅速,且使用期限不会太长的一些物件的租赁中
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MTM是英文“Methods-Time Measurement”(方法时间测量)的缩写,其意思为:以预先定义的过程模块对工作(生产)系统进行描述、条理化、设计和计划,提高工作(生产)效率。凡是涉及
在缺电的严峻形势下,电力体制的市场化改革该如何推进?联手治理电力交易市场,使其“稳健”运行是改革攻坚的突破口。 In the severe situation of power shortage, how to p