
来源 :云南农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anwencheng2005
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报导了昆明地区苹果园昆虫群落的营养结构,将苹果害虫分为8类蚧虫类有12种,天敌有13种,其中寄生性8种,捕食性5种;天牛类10种,寄生性天敌1种;卷叶虫类4种,天敌11种,其中寄生性2种,捕食性9种;食心虫类4种,天敌13种,其中寄生性6种,捕食性7种;蚜虫类2种,天敌26种,其中寄生性1种,捕食性25种;食叶毛虫类种类较多,但主要种类6种,天敌19种,其中寄生性9种,捕食性3种;叶蝉类4种,天敌6种,其中寄生性1种,捕食性5种基本弄清了苹果园昆虫群落的食物网络关系,并比较了化学防治园与自然发生园的天敌种类和数量 Reported the nutritional structure of apple orchard communities in Kunming. The apple pests were divided into 8 classes. There were 12 species of scale insects and 13 species of natural enemies, including 8 parasitic species, 5 predatory species, 10 species of cerambycidae, 1 species of sexual predators, 4 species of leaf-roll insects, 11 species of natural enemies, including 2 species of parasitism, 9 species of predation, 4 species of food worms and 13 species of natural enemies, including 6 species of parasitism and 7 species of predatory species. 26 kinds of natural enemies, including 26 kinds of natural enemies, including 1 species of parasitism and 25 species of predation. There are more kinds of leaf-eating caterpillars, but 6 kinds of main species and 19 kinds of natural enemies, including 9 parasitic species and 3 predatory species. 6 kinds of natural enemies, 1 species of which were parasitic and 5 species of predatory species. The relationships of food networks in apple orchard insect communities were basically ascertained, and the types and quantities of natural enemies in chemical prevention and control parks were compared
目的 探究哮喘、肺部感染等疾病呼吸内科抗生素的临床选择以及合理应用.方法 选取2018年9月~2019年9月本院呼吸内科收治的80例患者为研究对象,对参与实验的所有患者的抗生素使
目的:实时三维多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图评价缺血性二尖瓣反流患者心肌功能与瓣膜反流量关系.方法:纳入2006-2011年住院治疗的心肌梗死合并缺血性二尖瓣反流(Isheamic mitral r
作者对1075名成年医护人员采血,用辐射状溶血法(RH)测定风疹病毒抗体。凡测出溶血带直径(D)>6mm者为具有免疫力。检测结果为,84/1075(7.8%)血清阳性(D 6mm were immune. The
目的 探讨艾灸配合梅花针治疗血瘀型腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效.方法 选取2019年1月~2020年1月本院接收治疗的血瘀型腰椎间盘突出症患者73例进行研究,按照治疗方法不同分为两组
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静观如一只古瓶,闲置山隈水畔,落叶轻叩唇沿,山泉听出古怪耳语,风来了,瓶是一只古埙,鸣鸣幽鸣,如山鬼凄厉之哀号,于是,古瓶成为钟天地之灵秀的异 Wait and see, such as an
目的:研究25羟维生素D水平和冠心病相关性.方法 对连续416例接受冠状动脉造影的患者进行25羟维生素D水平检测.按照有无冠心病分为冠心病组和冠脉正常组,按照25羟维生素D水平分