
来源 :阅读与作文(英语初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zkl_2009
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   Once upon a time, a couple fell in love while sharing a passion for space.
   Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker met at a wedding in 1950, and after a year of sending each other long-distance letters, the loved-up pair got married.
   A decade later, President John F. Kennedy announced that the nation would be sending a man to the moon, and Eugene was excited. As a geologist who specialized in studying craters—he had a promising chance of joining the NASA mission.
   Then after a series of medical tests to examine his fitness, they learned that Eugene had Addison’s disease, an uncommon disease. There was no possibility of him reaching the moon now.
   The news was one of the greatest disappointments of Eugene’s life, Carolyn said. He “felt like his goal had suddenly disappeared.”
  Still, Eugene’s life was full of big achievements. He dedicated himself to training astronauts like Neil Armstrong for their space expeditions. He combined the study of geology and astronomy, helping create the field of planetary science. He co-discovered a comet—Shoemaker-Levy 9—alongside his scientist wife and the scientist David Levy.
   Eugene’s life came to a sudden end in a car crash in 1997, while in Australia exploring a meteor crash site with his wife. Exploring craters like this one had always been a favorite passion for Eugene.
   While she recovered in the hospital, Carolyn received an unexpected call from NASA. Would she be interested in having some of Eugene’s ashes join the Lunar Prospector mission to the moon?
   She thought that would be wonderful.
   The Prospector headed for the moon the following year and the most amazing thing happened: When the mission was finished, the unmanned vehicle ran out of fuel and crashed into the moon’s South Pole, creating a crater where Eugene’s ashes remain today.
   You could say it was an accident made in heaven.
Life is an ever-evolving tapestry of lessons, growth and expansion and when you are truly tuned into the messages along the way, you find your life transforms in ways you never thought possible. The f
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