Translation Review

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  1. Characteristics of Journalistic English
  Journalistic English is suitable for newspapers, radio, television, Internet and other forms of news, it is one standard to measure English language. Journalistic English is a style of distinct language form and characteristics. The soul of stylistics is to study what kind of language suitable for what kind of social occasions. News reports, news commentary, weather forecast, etc are all have different characteristics in style. At the same time, there are also academic or science and technology articles, literary works in serial, government gazette, and legal documents doping in the journalistic English. Therefore, journalistic English refers to a particular style and it has gradually independent from the common English, and have many differences from the common English, it itself has distinctive language form and stylistic features.
  1.1Characteristics of Journalistic English headlines
  News generally consist of title, guide language, subject, background and the conclusion, the news title is an integral part and regarded as " eyes of news reports ". A good English title is a essence of news content, so that readers can get more information in the shortest time. Therefore, generally speaking, the news title are usually concise and vivid, it is why many people feel difficult to understand and translate Journalistic English headlines. Journalistic English headlines should be short, it often use slightly write words, thumbnail or short words; The language of the title should be also concise and refined, so compare, pun and many kinds of figures of speech are commonly used in news headlines.
  In order to highlight the key of news, it can usually adopt the following methods:
  a:Use abbreviations
  Abbreviations also called acronyms, all use capital letters spell of the first letter of a few words together to instead of a group of long complicated words or phrases what makes people feel easy to read concise and it can also reduce the layout.
  b:Widely use simplify word
  The structure of simplify word are different from abbreviations, mainly through the cutting head and tail methods to cut short or shorten some common nouns, adjectives, or add a word first part to the tail of another word. The aim is also to save the number of title words.
  c:Widely use the short term
  Successful news reports have characteristics that use concise, popular and natural language.   d:The title words omitted
  Generally speaking, the banners space of newspapers and magazines is very precious that should be with the minimum length to express the largest amount of information. In order to save a space that the title should be concise and practical strong.
  1.2 Journalistic English language features
  Journalistic English paragraph is generally short, the sentence structure is loose and a paragraph is often only one or two sentences; The content that must be clear and attractive, there must have time, place, involves characters, happened and results; The sentence is colloquial, understandability, language is refining and concise, usually use multi-purpose abbreviations, dashes, parenthesis; Report more objective, more use direct language.
  Grammar structure
  In the writing of Journalistic English, in order to make every sentence contains information as much as possible, professional journalists often use participle phrase the secondary content melt in a sentence, the adverbial leads, introduction of mode, the occurrence of background or used as a preposition.
  It further description and interpretation of the center word. In the writing of Journalistic English, sentences should not only concise refining, but also to release as much as possible information, thus inevitably to the use large scale of appositive. Especially in the explain character identity, occupation, age and organization location, nature, city location, far or near and characteristics, even to explain time further, usually choose appositive. A noun, numerals, clause can be appositive and some appositive draw forth by the dash.
  English often avoid repetition by using sharing, substitution, conversion and other forms in expression repeated meaning of parallel construction, Chinese often repeated to enhance the strength of words, such as: English possessive pronouns replace the front noun and phrasal verbs only repeat prepositions and omitted the active word, in the process of translation can consider repeated expression.
  Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the people mentioned above again. Thanks for their encouragement, kindness, readiness and invaluable advice and help.
计算机技术的应用,对大学英语教学和大学英语四、六级考试产生了深远的影响。借鉴国内外众多的考试经验,教育部在2008年选择了54所高校进行了四、六级考试网考试点。到了2009年,试点学校已经扩大到了180所。计算机网考早已经在托福、雅思等出国考试中广泛应用,全国大学英语四、六级考试开始试点网考形式,引起了社会的强烈反响。  相对传统的纸质考试形式,网络化考试表现出了巨大的优势,但与此同时,网考的安全
大学英语听说教学作为教学的一个环节,还没有引起高度重视,普遍的现象是侧重阅读和写作的训练。大学英语听说教学本身也存在一些问题。传统教学方法和理念在目前的英语听说教学的负面影响仍然存在。  一、传统的听说课一般遵循都是教师指挥和主导、学生被动听听力材料、然后是教师核对答案解释原文。很显然,这种教学模式,教师只是引领学生进行听力资料的选择和使用,学生被动的接收传递过来的听力资料信息,然后再加以信息分析
摘 要:医学英语作为科技英语的一个分支,除具有科技英语的一些共性特点外,同时还兼有自身文体的特殊性,掌握医学英语的翻译方法对医学生理解医学文献有重大意义。本文旨在说明医学英语的特点及其翻译方法。  关键词:医学英语;翻译方法  随着中国国际地位的进一步提高,对外外交、商贸及文化交流日益密切。英语作为国际通用语,在中外交流中发挥着重要的媒介作用,尤其是在科技传播中。医学英语作为科技英语的一个分支,既
小学科学是以培养学生科学素养为宗旨,积极倡导让学生亲身经历以及探究为主的学习活动,培养学生的好奇心和求知欲,发展他们对科学本质的理解,使他们学会探究解决问题的策略。教材真正体现了从学生的生活实际出发,从社会的需要出发,充分依据学生的身心发展规律,追求科学性、实用性、教育性等多方面的统一,有利于促进学生的发展。  《科学》教材所安排的活动有利于促进学生进行科学探究,促进学生的发展。小学《科学》真正从
摘 要:高中物理课堂教学中的设问是指教师为了促使学生思考、探究、获得新知识、新能力而事先精心设计好的问题。有效的设问能够引导学生去探索、通过自身的积极努力,获得知识和智慧,并在潜移默化中增强学生的问题意识、逐渐养成善于思考的习惯和能力。  关键词:新课程;物理课堂;有效设问;问题情境的创设方法  古语云:“学起于思,思其于疑”。质疑是探求新知识的开始,也是探求新知识的动力。求知欲、创造性往往是从“
摘 要:随着社会经济的不断发展与完善,伴随着市场营销专业人才需求量的激增,市场对营销人才的培养质量也提出了越来越高的要求,作为以高素质技能型人才培养为培养目标的高职高专院校,在市场营销专业人才培养过程中,要注重培养措施,这样才能在激烈的竞争中求得生存。  关键词:市场营销;技能型;人才  市场营销学从上世纪70年代末传入中国到现在已经经历了三十多年的风雨变迁,随着中国市场经济的不断完善,市场营销理
Abstract:Sons and Lovers is one immortal novel of the British famous author David Herbert Lawrence.In this novel, the love relationships between Paul and Miriam, Paul and Clara and even Paul and his m
在教育教学中情感教育发挥着尤为突出的作用。体育教学中的情感教育也不容忽视,教学过程中不但要重视对学生的知识传授和能力培养,而且更应重视对学生进行情感教育。把情感教育深深的融入体育课堂,是提高教学质量的重要手段。让学生受到情的感染、爱的激励、美的享受,在快乐中得到锻炼得到提高。  一、爱学生是教师教育学生的起点和基础。  教师情感生活的核心是热爱学生。从某种意义上说,一个不热爱学生的教师永远不可能成
师生关系是教育过程中最基本、最主要的人际关系。因此,作为一名教师,能否处理好师生关系就成为教育教学成败的关键。那么什么样的师生关系才是最好的师生关系呢?我认为,师生之间处得象朋友一样,那才是最好的师生关系。那么如何与学生建立朋友关系呢?我认为:  一、放下师道尊严,微笑面对学生  教师首先应该是一个有感情的人,而不仅是一架教书的机器。如果学生畏惧老师,则必然会妨碍教育教学的顺利进行。因此老师在课内
摘 要:自2003年出台高中音乐新课程标准后,新时期我国音乐教育改革拉开序幕。本文把焦点是对于润洋、吴斌编写的《音乐鉴赏》这部教材中的民族性进行分析、比较,并通过具体的例证来说明教材内容中的民族性缺陷和不足。希望通过本文的分析,引起广大高中音乐教师的注意与反思。  关键词:高中;音乐欣赏课;民族性;不足  随着2000年来的中国教育改革的不断深化,音乐基础教育的改革亦是不断深入,2001年制定了《