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“细读”是20世纪西方文论的重要流派新批评提出的概念。“细读”由英语的“close reading”一词翻译而来,它指一种批评方法。有的学者认为“细close”在这里就是仔细的意思,强调对文学文本的细致阅读;而另有人指出“close”在这里指封闭的意思,强调对文学文本内部的阅读,切断文本与其以外的社会、历史或其他文本的联系。不管怎么说,两种理解都有强调对文学作品本身的深入研读领会的意思。中国文论虽然向来强调知人论世,但也总是立足于对作品本身的体验感悟,虽然在形态上常常系统性不够,但哪怕只言片语都建立在对作品本身的深入理解之上。新时期以来,西方现代文论大量涌入,中国当代文 “Thin Reading ” is the concept put forward by the new criticism of the important genres of Western literary theory in the 20th century. “Read ” is translated from the English “close reading”, which refers to a method of criticism. Some scholars think that “fine close ” here is a careful meaning, emphasizing the careful reading of the literary text; while others pointed out “close ” here refers to the closed meaning, emphasizing the internal reading of literary text, cut off Text links with other social, historical or other texts. In any case, both understandings emphasize the importance of in-depth study and understanding of the literary work itself. Although the Chinese literary theory has always emphasized the knowledgeableness of the world, it is always based on the experience of the work itself. Although it is often not systematically enough in form, even a few words are based on an in-depth understanding of the work itself. Since the new period, western modern literary criticism influx, Chinese contemporary literature
20世纪60年代的实验证实,种系相关较远动物之间的血管化大器官移植都存在超急性排斥反应.此反应的主要组织学特征是血管内血栓形成和血管间出血.学者们认为此种排斥反应主要是抗体介导机制.calne通过观察提出 "协调的(concordent)"和"不协调的(disconcordent)"概念.前者系指在某些种系之间进行异种移植不发生超急性排斥反应,后者系指某些种系之间的移植发生超急性排斥反应。
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