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云南“黄家医圈”的传人黄传贵从小随父学医,热爱民族民间医药,在第四军医大学毕业后留校工作。他刻苦学习, 深入钻研,认为目前我国许多西部地区的群众、特别是广大农民还无力承受使用CT、核磁共振等先进医疗设备的高额费用。而在民间,人们防病治病仍然主要依赖于中药和民族民间医药。在他那边远而贫穷的家乡,一个放牛娃能懂几个单方,许多一字不识的农民也能治几种病,不是医生的也能接骨、接生……他的故乡云南是全国中药材的主要产区,而云南的26个民族中,几乎每一个民族都有能够治愈百病的秘方和让人起死回生的民间名医。 1980年,黄传贵自己申请、经组织批准回到云南。他要在“用武之地”继承和弘扬祖传的医理药理,为仍然缺医少药的云南少数民族地区和中国西部贫瘠地区那些被各类病魔纠缠着、折磨着和威胁着的人们奉献自己的一切。 “黄家医圈”的医理药理是黄氏家族一代又一代不断总结自己和民间防病治病的知识和经验,逐渐积累形成的一套集养生预防、保健、诊断和治疗为一体的宏 Huang Chuan-gui, a successor to the “Huang Family Medicine Circle” in Yunnan Province, studied medicine with his father after his childhood and loved national folk medicine. After graduating from the Fourth Military Medical University, he stayed in the university for work. He studied hard and studied thoroughly. He believes that many people in the western region of our country, especially the vast majority of peasants, can not afford the high costs of using advanced medical equipment such as CT and nuclear magnetic resonance. In the private sector, people still rely mainly on prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and folk medicine. In his distant and poor hometown, a cow can understand several unilaterally, many illiterate peasants can cure several diseases, not a doctor can also take the bone and deliver their births .... His hometown of Yunnan is a national traditional Chinese medicine The main producing areas of the material, and Yunnan’s 26 ethnic groups, almost every nation has a cure for all the secrets and let people back to life of the famous doctor. In 1980, Huang Chuan-gui applied for himself and was approved by the organization to return to Yunnan. He should inherit and carry forward his ancestral medical and pharmacological pharmacology in the “useless places.” He will give dedication to people who are entangled, tortured and threatened by all kinds of diseases in the minority areas in Yunnan and the poor areas in western China that still lack medical treatment. Own all. The pharmacological pharmacology of the “Huang Family Medicine Circle” is a generation of generational health prevention, health care, diagnosis and treatment that integrates the knowledge and experience of one generation of the Huang family and one after another to summarize themselves and prevent and cure diseases. Macro
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