随着大棚黄瓜种植面积的不断扩大,越来越多的病害直接威胁着农业生产安全,有些病害同时存在时症状很相似,菜农常常由于误诊延误防治,造成大幅度减产,如黄瓜霜霉病(真菌性病害)与细菌性角斑病(细菌性病害)就是典型的一例。据我县井家畔、赵家山等村的实地调查, 一般发病时损失20%左右,高者
With the growing area of greenhouse cucumbers growing, more and more diseases directly threaten the safety of agricultural production, and some diseases are similar when symptoms exist simultaneously. Vegetable farmers often prevent and cure delay due to misdiagnosis, causing drastic reduction of cucumbers such as cucumber downy mildew Fungal disease) and bacterial angular leaf spot (bacterial disease) is a typical case. According to my county well house, Zhao Jiashan other village field survey, the general incidence of loss of about 20%, the highest