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一九五四年国家给予我们的基本建设任务中,工厂、矿井建设占着极大的比重,全省全年的工作总量里,百分之七十三以上是工厂、矿井的建设工程和地质勘察钻探工作。这些工程,有的是过去已经做了准备,今年施工,年底以前即要投入生产;有的今年施工的仅是部分工程,全部工程将要跨过几个年度;有的项目,今年开始做准备工作,现在的工作是大部分是厂址勘察、资源勘探及搜集资料等。这一新的形势,说明了不仅今年工矿建设任务在基本建设工作中比重很大,而且往后的年代中,工矿建设工程也将是基本建设部门全体职工的主要任务。基本建设部门的工人、工程技术人员、管理人员及领导干部们,应明确认识:工厂、矿井的建设工程是国家最需要的地方,而担负这样的建设任务,必须有相当高的政治觉悟、技术水平与管理能力。基本建设是极端复杂的组织工作和技术工作。它并不是从进行土木建筑的时候才算开始,不是的,它从编造计划、确定投资就开始了。目前,我省有不少单位正在进行勘察工作,没有周密的资源调查、详尽的勘察设计,基本建设便无法进行。因此,各地党委必须抓紧勘察工作的 In the basic construction tasks given to us by the State in 1954, the construction of factories and mines accounted for a large proportion. In the province’s total work volume, more than 70% of the total work is for factories and mines. Geological survey drilling. Some of these projects have been prepared in the past. This year’s construction will be put into production before the end of the year. Some of the construction this year will be part of the project. All projects will have to span several years. Some projects will start preparations this year. The work is mostly site reconnaissance, resource exploration and data collection. This new situation shows that not only is this year’s industrial and mining construction tasks a large part of the capital construction work, but in the coming years, the construction of the industrial and mining projects will also be the main tasks of all employees in the capital construction sector. Workers, engineering technicians, management personnel and leading cadres of the capital construction department should clearly understand that the construction of factories and mines is the most needed place for the country, and that such construction tasks must have a high level of political awareness and technology. Levels and management capabilities. The basic construction is extremely complicated organizational work and technical work. It does not begin when it is time for civil engineering. No, it begins with making up plans and determining investments. At present, many units in our province are conducting survey work. Without thorough investigation of resources and detailed survey and design, the basic construction will not be carried out. Therefore, the party committees everywhere must pay close attention to the survey work.
凌晨4∶30分。哈尔滨。窗外已有亮色。静静地盯着天边那片片暖暖的朝霞。我的心,也暖暖的。   昨夜,窗外伸手不见五指。几次提笔尝试想完成小文,把心中暖暖的感动记录下来。提笔几次,终未成行。而此刻,心中涌起了汩汩文思。于是,在即将抵达哈尔滨的此刻凌晨,我终于轻快下笔。   转头窗外,朝霞铺满东方的天际。我的心,也犹如这给人希望的通红朝霞,铺满芳菲。   昨天,在呼伦贝尔海拉尔的候车厅买牙刷那会
航班缓缓升起,飞机越飞越高,整个台湾岛的轮廓映入眼帘,乔乔的眼眶湿润了。透过舷窗,云层正在慢慢地聚拢。渐渐地,渐渐地,渐渐地,台湾岛消失在了视野里。  乔乔拉开书包,拿出了一本装帧精美的相册。扉页上,是俊秀又飘逸的字迹——“多年后,你会记得这里的凤凰树吗?”  我跟他不熟  乔乔做梦也没想到,她的二十岁生日,会跨越海峡,在陌生的南台湾度过。半年前,她经过层层选拔,成了台湾C大中文系的交换生。  C