Novel combinatorial algorithm for the problems of fuzzy grey multi-attribute group decision making

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w1141
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To study the fuzzy and grey information in the problems of multi-attribute group decision making, the basic concepts of both fuzzy grey numbers and grey interval numbers are given firstly, then a new model of fuzzy grey multi-attribute group decision making based on the theories of fuzzy mathematics and grey system is presented. Furthermore, the grey interval relative degree and deviation degree is defined, and both the optimistic algorithm of the grey interval relational degree and the algorithm of deviation degree minimization for solving this new model are also given. Finally, a decision making example to demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of this new method is given, and the results by using these two algorithms are uniform. To study the fuzzy and gray information in the problems of multi-attribute group decision making, the basic concepts of both fuzzy gray numbers and gray interval numbers are given first, then a new model of fuzzy gray multi-attribute group decision making based on the theories of fuzzy mathematics and gray system is presented. Furthermore, the gray interval relative degree and deviation degree is defined, and both the optimistic algorithm of the gray interval relational degree and the algorithm of deviation degree minimization for solving this new model are also given. Finally, a decision making example to demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of this new method is given, and the results by using these two algorithms are uniform.
西部大开发是党和国家的一项重大战略决策,它将在中国改革开放史上占有里程碑地位,因此,新闻媒介为西部开发作舆论准备是十分必要的,也是非常及时的。 改革开放20多年来,中
目的:不明原因智力障碍/发育迟缓(intellectual/developmental disabilities,ID/DD)是儿童发育过程中的一种常见疾病,其病因复杂,临床表现多样,致残率高,给患儿及家庭带来沉重
摘要:随着科技的发展,信息技术的成熟,新一轮课程改革在教育界拉开了序幕。作为工作在教学一线的小学数学教师,我们在追求高效课堂的同时,也要逐渐地将信息技术渗透在当前的数学课堂,如慕课、微课、网络课堂等,采取现代化的教学方法促进教学效率的提高和学生数学素养的提升。本文重点阐述微课在小学高年级数学课堂中的运用。  关键词:微课;小学;数学课堂  微课是利用现代信息技术手段将文章知识点用短视频的方式呈现出
摘要:错题集就是把学生日常学习和考试中出现的错误题目集中进行分类整理,整理错题集能够有效提升数学学习效率,帮助减轻学生的课业负担。本文主要分析了错题整理的重要作用以及在初中数学课堂教学中,错题整体的开展措施。  关键词:错题整理;初中数学;教学应用  在初中生的考试和学习过程中难免会出现错题,这些错题是数学教学的重要资源,同时也是攻克教学难点和教学重点的突破口。教师在教学中要把学生们遇到的错题资源
摘要:微课主要是运用动画技术及视频进行有效整合多元化教学资源,使教学内容更加精确,主题更加鲜明。由于微课的教学资源丰富等特点,为各科学习带来了诸多便利,促进了教学效率的提升,激发了学生学习的兴趣,给课堂教学增添了趣味性,使难点具体化。本文针对微课在高中数学教学中的应用和反思进行论述,希望给予从事高中教学的教育学者一点启发。  关键词:微课;高中数学;应用;反思   一、 引言  微课作为教学中一种
摘要:众所周知,数学是一門极具抽象性的学科。对于小学低年级的学生来说,其在有限的抽象思维能力的驱使下,是难以对数学知识产生探究兴趣,也难以理解抽象的数学知识。对此,在信息技术与学科相融合的过程中,我尝试利用现代信息技术,发挥其直观形象的特点,将抽象的数学知识再现在学生面前,以此帮助学生加深对所学知识的理解。  关键词:小学数学;信息技术;低年级教学;应用对策  就小学阶段的学生而言,其思维能力正在