College Students:East and West

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“How are American and Chinese students different?” I heard this questionmany times when I taught English in Shanghai in 1998/99. One answer is “peopleare the same everywhere,” but that’s too simple-it strips away the complexitiesof real life. The historical, social, economic, linguistic, and spiritual contexts ofChina and America are profoundly different, and so the people-including college “How are American and Chinese students different?” I heard this questionmany times when I taught English in Shanghai in 1998/99. One answer is “peopleare the same everywhere,” but that’s too simple-it strips away the complexitiesof Real life. The historical, social, economic, linguistic, and spiritual contexts of China and America are profoundly different, and so the people- including college
在《英汉大辞典》面世八载之际,陆谷孙教授主持的《英汉大辞典补编》竣工了! 《补编》,正如陆教授所言,“凸显时代特色从而提高实用性”。而且这部词语“断代史”还隐约昭示
你想当亿万富翁吗?很多人是想的。他们也想象谷歌公司、苹果公司、波音公司的创建者们那么有钱,他们也想买蒂法尼钻石,也想开私人飞机,也想进入福布斯富豪榜。  可是,怎样才能变成富豪呢?亿万富翁天生就与你我不同吗?我的公司中国市场研究小组,决定进行调查看看我们能不能了解到亿万富豪们的一些秘密。在过去五年间,我们对很多亿万富豪进行了访谈,其中包括中国的房地产大亨、美国的名星、印度的联合大企业所有者、欧洲的
Armies of programmers are racing to fix the Year 2000 problem,but many are using shortcuts that merely play for time. On a chilly Monday morning in south centr
《补编》确有其不同凡响之处。限于篇幅,姑举其新增于《补编》的一目。 no brainer/…/n.无需用脑的事,容易的事[例略],笔者手头的英汉双语词典和传统的英英词典大小凡数十
ratherthan后的动词形态表面看来简单,深探则复杂。笔者曾经历下面两件事:其一:下句曾引起争论:1.Thedemolitionofoldhousescreatesratherthansolvesproblemsoftheinnercity.有人... The appearance of verbs after ratherthan looks simple on the surface, and dee
6.歪理诡辩:这就是故意用似是而非、倒打一耙的歪理来为明显错误的事情或论点狡辩,目的是混淆是非或炫耀机智取乐。例如:A:Can you give me a good example of how heat exp