
来源 :国外金属热处理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:successyi
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在真空炉内进行热处理是提高产品质量、降低工件表面污染的好办法。许多真空炉在进行热处理时要充入不同压力的氩气、氦气和氮气作介质。在低真空、中真空范围内,气体压力对炉子的加热功率有明显的影响,当炉子的金属反射隔热屏密排时更是如此。到目前为止,还没有关于低压气体对真空炉热特性之影响的总结资料。在设计真空炉时,必须估算炉子所需的加热功率,并了解对其产生影响的各种因素。本研究试图达到以下目的:研究出在不同的加热功率下,(1)低压气体对真空炉热特性的影响,(2)预测反射隔热屏辐射率的相对作用。我们研制出的实用机(MPU),是一个可移动的、具有液体淬火能力的小型真空热处 In the vacuum furnace for heat treatment is to improve product quality, reduce the surface of the workpiece a good way to pollution. Many vacuum furnaces are filled with different pressures of argon, helium and nitrogen as a medium for heat treatment. In the low vacuum, medium vacuum range, gas pressure has a significant effect on the heating power of the furnace, especially when the furnace’s metal reflective thermal barrier is closely spaced. So far, there is no summary of the effects of LPG on the thermal properties of a vacuum furnace. When designing a vacuum furnace, you must estimate the heating power required for the furnace and understand the factors that affect it. This study attempted to achieve the following objectives: To study the effects of (1) low pressure gas on the thermal characteristics of a vacuum furnace at different heating powers, and (2) to predict the relative contribution of the emissivity of the reflective screen. We have developed a practical machine (MPU), is a movable, liquid quenching ability of small vacuum heat
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美国圣母大学心理学研究人员对100名18~65岁的参试者进行了为期10周的跟踪调查。研究人员要求参试者停止说谎,然后每周都接受一次健康检测。结果表明,在研究期内,他们的紧张或悲伤感比往常少,而且更少发生嗓子痛或头痛等疾患。  据此,研究人员得出结论:说谎会直接影响到人们的身体健康和心理健康,相比而言,诚实的人会更健康。  不久,法国巴黎大学医学院教授撒林撰文解释说,一个人说谎时,他的神经系统将受到