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西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局:为切实做好“2002年中国东部企业参与西部结构调整投资贸易洽谈会”重点项目跟踪落实工作,省政府决定在继续执行《青海省人民政府办公厅关于建立跟踪服务制度落实“2001年中国东部企业参与西部结构调整投资贸易洽谈会”签约项目的通知》(青政办[2001]165号)的基础上,切实做好今年洽谈会重点项目跟踪服务工作。现将有关事宜通知如下:一、项目的跟踪落实(一)由省经协办总协调,对洽谈会174个签约项目进行登记、分类、建档,并将项目按所在地区、部门进行分解。对重点项目(投资额在3000万元以上的共计56个项目,总投资57.45亿元)实行一周一报制度,由各地区、各部门负责逐级跟踪,分块落实,按规定时间将项目的进展情况、项目实施过程中遇到的问题报省政府经协办,由经协办汇总上报省政府。同时,各州(地)市相关部门负责对投资金额在1000万元以上的重点项目的投资、建设、经营情况进行全程跟踪服务。 Xining City, the People’s Government of each autonomous prefecture, Haidong Administrative Office, and all provincial committees, offices, offices, and bureaus of the provincial government: In order to earnestly do a good job in tracking and implementing key projects in the 2002 East China Enterprises Participation in the Western Conference on Structural Adjustment, Investment and Trade Fair, The provincial government decided to continue the implementation of the “General Office of the People’s Government of Qinghai Province on Establishing a Follow-up Service System” and “Notice of the Contracted Project of the East China Enterprises Participating in the Western Structural Adjustment Investment Trade Fair in 2001” (Qing Zheng Office [2001] No. 165). Based on the above, we will do a good job in the follow-up service of key projects of this year’s fair. The relevant issues are hereby notified as follows: 1. Implementation and follow-up of the project (1) The provincial General Economic Cooperation Office will coordinate the registration, classification, and documentation of the 174 contracted projects of the symposium, and will decompose the project according to the regions and departments where it is located. For the key projects (a total of 56 projects with a total investment of 30 million yuan or more, a total investment of 5.745 billion yuan), a one-weekly reporting system will be implemented. Each district and department will be responsible for step-by-step tracking and implementation in blocks. The progress of the project and the problems encountered in the implementation of the project were reported to the Provincial Government’s Office of the Association for Economic Cooperation, which was then reported to the provincial government. At the same time, relevant departments of each state (prefecture) city are responsible for tracking the investment, construction, and operation of key projects with an investment amount of 10 million yuan or more.
我国将继续坚持积极合理有效利用外资的方针。为此,我国将继续积极引入外资,使我国吸收外商投资规模和水平居发展中国家 China will continue to adhere to the principle
各市、州、县人民政府,省政府各委办厅局、各直属机构:省科委《关于加快我省技术市场建设的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。 People’s governments o
近年来,重庆 市开县人武部的理 论学习根据警备区 政治部的部署较好 地解决了学起来的 问题。标志之一,就 是学习制度得到了 落实,时间有保证, 人员易集中,学习内容实。这样