Who Are the \\"Good Guys\\"?

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Another major theme that many TV studies have shown to occur repeatedly is that violence is acceptable if the victim “deserved” it. This, of course, is a very dangerous and insidious philosophy. It suggests that aggresion, while reprehensible in criminals, is acceptable for the “good guys” who have right on their side. But, of course, nearly every person feels that he or she is “right.” And often the “good guys” are criminals whom the film happens lo depict sympathetically, as in The Godfather. Who is “good” and who is “bad” merely depends on Whose side you’re on. Studies by McLeid and Associates of boys and girls in junior and senior high school found that the more the youngster watched violent Another major theme that many TV studies have shown to likely repeatedly is is violence is acceptable if the victim “deserved” it. This, of course, is a very dangerous and insidious philosophy. It suggests that aggresion, while reprehensible in criminals, Is acceptable for the “good guys” who have right on their side. But, of course, nearly every person feels that he or she is “right.” And often the “good guys” are criminals whom the Film happens lo depict sympathetically, as in The Godfather. Who is “good” and who is “bad” merely depends on Whose side you’re on. Studies by McLeid and Associates of boys and girls in junior and senior high School found that the more the youngster watched violent
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