酒后无聊找刺激 拦路摸胸被判刑

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福建省龙海市的周宾、张灵、王杰、张毅四人是好朋友,年龄都不到20岁,初中毕业后步入社会,平时喜欢聚在一起喝酒闲聊,无事生非。201 1年4月25日23时许,四人酒后,周宾提出到某酒家附近路段寻找上班的女工“摸奶”取乐。三人同意,随后由王杰骑助力车载周宾,张灵骑助力车载张毅,来到该酒店附近的一条小路上。没过多久,对面走过来要去该酒店上班的女工任某,周宾就让王杰放慢车速,靠近任某,伸手抓捏任某的胸部。任某大惊,痛骂周宾。张毅听到后,跳下车殴打任某,周宾再次 Zhou Bin, Zhang Ling, Wang Jie, Zhang Yi, Longhai City, Fujian Province are good friends, all of whom are under 20 years of age. After graduating from junior high school, they often enter the community after graduating from school. 201 April 25, 2010 23 am, four people drunk, Zhou Bin proposed to a section of the road near the restaurant to find work women “touch milk ” fun. The three agreed, followed by Wang Jie riding aid Zhou Bin, Zhang Ling riding aid Zhang Yi, came to the hotel near a small road. Not long after the women came across the hotel to work Renmou, Zhou Bin let Wang Jie slowed down, near Ren, hand Ren Renmou chest. Ren a shock, pain curse Zhou Bin. Zhang Yi heard, jumped off the car hit Ren, Zhou Bin again
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