A Little Boy

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   On March 19,2019, eight-year-old Tani won the New York Chess Championship(纽约象棋冠军赛) of his age group. But the boy, who was homeless at the time, began learning the game less than a year ago.
   Tani and his family arrived in New York City from Africa in 2017. A church helped him enter the primary school, P. S. 116. Here the gifted boy was first introduced to chess by a part-time teacher Makofsky, owner of a chess club. Interested in the game, the seven-year-old asked his mother to allow him to join the club. Not able to afford the chess classes, she emailed Makofsky. To her surprise and joy, Makofsky agreed that Tani could learn it for free.
   Though the chess club helps, it’s largely believed that Tani’s success lies in hard work. The boy practices the game for many hours a day on the floor with his board. Every Saturday, Tani goes to a free 3-hour class to improve his game skills.
   Not surprisingly, Tani’s story, first reported by The New York Times, has brought him great support from the public. Soon after the young boy won the New York Championship, Makofsky began a GoFundMe activity for Tani and his family so that he could continued his chess journey. It raised $200,000 in just ten days, far more than they expected. And the money keeps coming. But the family donates(捐贈) most of the money to the church and to those poor family!
   Tani has also received offers from three famous private schools in New York. However, the family have politely refused all of them and chosen to continue Tani’s education at P. S. 116.
   While excited about his new life, Tani is ready to meet great challenges. He is busy preparing for the National Primary Championships. Winning the competition will bring the chess player closer to his dream of becoming the world’s youngest chess grandmaster(大师). The record has been 17 years by the Russian chess player Karjakin, who won the title at the age of 12.
   1. Paragraph 3 is mainly about .
   A. where Tani practices chess
   B. how hard Tani works at chess
   C. what Tani’s mother does for him
   D. how much the chess club helps
   2. After winning the New York Championship, Tani .
   A. hoped to see Bill Clinton
   B. went to a famous private school
   C. became the richest boy in New York
   D. got much support from society
   3. The writer mentions the Russian chess player Karjakin to .
   A. call on young people to learn chess
   B. introduce his great achievements in chess
   C. tell people Tani has been one of the world’s best chess players
   (Keys: BDC)
编者按:中考古诗词阅读,所占分值一般为4~6分。考查以理解诗歌内容、把握主题情感、鉴赏诗歌语言为主,兼顾分析表现手法、谈哲理感悟以及拓展迁移等。下面跟随李阳海老师一起来了解中考古诗词阅读题型,掌握应对策略。   下面结合例题来详细介绍古诗词的考查题型,为同学们提供备考建议。   一、思想感情归纳题   诗词是诗人、词人有感而发的产物,浸润着作者的情感。诗词所表达的思想感情归纳起来有忧愁、寂寞
以铜为鉴,可正衣冠;以古为鉴,可知兴替;以人为鉴,可明得失。  ——《新唐书》   魏征能直率地向唐太宗提意见,唐太宗也能听取正确意见,故而唐太宗时期出现了经济繁荣、国力强盛的局面。魏征死后,唐太宗把他比作一面镜子,让群臣把他当作榜样来学习。榜样是一个标杆,可以成为我们行动的参照,让我们在寻找差距和缩小差距中不断前行;榜样是一面旗帜,可以作为我们奋斗的目标,给予我们强大的精神号召力和积极向上的牵
岁月匆匆,转眼已是“人间四月芳菲尽”的时节。回首过往,流走了时光,留住了温暖。一件件小事也许微不足道,但心灵的触动,却让那个寒冷的冬季变得无比温暖。它也许是一句暖心的话语,也许是一场难忘的遇见,也许是一次敞开心扉的交谈……请看下面两篇同题习作——  再寒冷的冬天也有暖意  湖南省江永县第一中学岭南文学社 田远虹   郑老师,您还记得那个北风呼啸的冬季里的一天吗?那是您调离后再次回到学校,又准备离
上一期我们学习了转化思想和数形结合思想,本期向同学们介绍分类讨论思想的应用. 分类讨论思想是指,对于复杂的对象,有时需要根据其本质属性的相同点和差异性,按同一个标准将其分为不同种类,通过研究各类对象的性质认识整体的一种思想方法. 下面舉例介绍分类讨论思想的主要应用.
“世界读书日”设立的宗旨是,让读书成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。在建设书香校园、书香中国的时候,我们重温古人的劝学诗文,从中能够得到更多的教益。   初中语文课文里就有许多古人劝学的名言警句。下面一起来学习。   《论语》中记述了孔子的许多劝学语录,如“学而时习之,不亦说乎”“温故而知新,可以为师矣”等等。从这些论述中,可以看出孔子对弟子学习的要求,不仅要学习,而且要不断复习巩固,在温习
列表法和画树状图法是计算概率的两个基本方法,二者各有不同的优点. 那么,在解题中如何对二者进行“择优录用”呢?下面以中考题为例进行介绍.   一、当试验中涉及两个因素,并且可能出现的结果数目较多时,优先考虑列表法.   例1(2019·湖北·孝感)一个不透明的袋子中装有四个小球,上面分别标有数字-2,-1,0,1,它们除了数字不同外,其他完全相同.   (1)随机从袋子中摸出一个小球,摸出的
轴对称型辅助线是依据轴对称的定义作一个图形与原图形对称,进而应用轴对称的性质解题. 轴对称型辅助线也常含有补形的成分,常与延长型和连接型等辅助线配合使用.   例1 如图1是台球桌面两个球,参赛选手要通过用球杆击打A球,使A球撞击B球,B球经桌边CD反弹后向上方中袋的中心M滚动,从而进入袋中. 请判断,在击球力量足够大的情况下,A球经球杆击打后与B球发生“正碰”(碰撞后,B球沿碰撞瞬間两球球心所
题目:求边长为a的等边三角形的面积.   需要提醒同學们的是,这种 “经验公式”在选择题或填空题中可直接运用,但在解答题中仍需写出计算步骤.
A junior high school sent several students back home because they broke the school uniform(校服)rules. Should students wear school uniforms? The Young World magazine held a discussion on this topic(話题).