Development of NiTiNb in-situ composite with high damping capacity and high yield strength

来源 :Progress in Natural Science:Materials International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttt11121
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The shape memory alloys are well known to exhibit high damping capacity in martensite state,but possess low yield strength because of the reorientation or de-twining of the martensite variants.The high damping mechanism of shape memory alloys was introduced.The NiTiNb alloys with high yield strength and high damping capacity were designed and prepared.The microstructure evolution,martensitic transformation behavior,damping capacity and mechanical properties of series NiTiNb alloys were investigated.In view of the microstructure characteristics of the NiTiNb in-situ composites,the mechanism associated with high damping capacity and high yield strength was discussed.The results show that NiTiNb alloys feature in in-situ composite,composed of primary NiTi(Nb) phase and fine lamellar eutectics of NiTi(Nb) andβ-Nb. The shape memory alloys are well known to exhibit high damping capacity in martensite state, but possess low yield strength because of reorientation or de-twining of the martensite variants. The high damping mechanism of shape memory alloys was introduced. NiTiNb alloys with high yield strength and high damping capacity were designed and prepared. microstructure evolution, martensitic transformation behavior, damping capacity and mechanical properties of series NiTiNb alloys were investigated. In view of the microstructure characteristics of the NiTiNb in-situ composites, the mechanism associated with high damping capacity and high yield strength was. The results show that NiTiNb alloys feature in-situ composite, composed of primary NiTi (Nb) phase and fine lamellar eutectics of NiTi (Nb) and β-Nb.
中小学美术教学是青少年接受审美教育的一个主要途径,也是进行爱国主义教育的重要载体。  一、表现祖国大好河山、风景名胜是爱国主义教育的现成素材  我国地域辽阔,名山大川分布全国各地。而这些素材是美术教学和美术创作的现成材料,也是进行爱国主义教育的绝佳素材。如,描绘“圆明园废墟”“八达岭长城”题材的作品,让学生在描绘这些景物之前,先要回顾灾难深重的祖国的过去。在忠实表现原物时,也要给人历史的沧桑感。这
DD6 single crystal superalloy slabs were prepared with seed method in the directionally solidified furnace with high temperature gradient.The transverse stress
摘 要:初中语文是我国义务教育基础性学科的其中之一,旨在培养学生的语言表达能力和阅读理解能力,而古诗词犹如一块璀璨的宝石镶嵌其中,使得初中语文在基础性学科中更加熠熠生辉。古诗词语句多短小精悍、言简意赅,是我国古代学者知识的结晶,更是我国宝贵的精神文化遗产,如何继承和发扬好这一宝贵财富,如何有效地提高学习古诗词的效率和质量,将是着重探索的问题。  关键词:古诗词;初中语文;教学  任何一门学科的学习