Production and characterization of a human single-chain Fv to collagenase IV

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vs1ji
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The over|expression of collagenase IV in tumor tissues was found to be closely related to tumor metastasis. Collagenase IV has been therefore considered as one of the novel indicative molecules for tumor diagnosis and treatment. Based on phage display antibody library technique, a single|chain Fv specific for collagenase IV was successfully cloned. This antibody, referred to as hCo4, was mainly composed of variable regions from heavy and light chains, with its molecular weight of 27 ku. The engineered antibody bound to collagenase IV specifically. The affinity of hCo4 was found to be the same as that of a single|chain antibody constructed from a monoclonal antibody to collagenase IV. Since hCo4 is the smallest among all the antibodies specific for collagenase IV and it is of human origin, it has a potential to be applied for tumor immunotherapy and for the study of the relationship between collagenase IV and tumor metastasis. The over | expression of collagenase IV in tumor tissues was found to be closely related to tumor metastasis. Collagenase IV has been therefore considered as one of the novel indicative molecules for tumor diagnosis and treatment. Based on phage display antibody library technique, a This antibody, referred to as hCo4, was mainly composed of variable regions from heavy and light chains, with its molecular weight of 27 ku. The engineered antibody bound to collagenase IV specifically . The affinity of hCo4 was found to be the same as that that a single | chain antibody constructed from a monoclonal antibody to collagenase IV. Since hCo4 is the smallest among all the antibodies specific for collagenase IV and it is of human origin, it has a potential to be applied for tumor immunotherapy and for the study of the relationship between collagenase IV and tumor metastasis.
年逾八旬、中国首位诺贝尔科学奖获得者屠呦呦成为国人骄傲。伴随其学术背景、研究成果,乃至中学母校等逐一被媒体披露,让人们对这位耄耋老人的学养和人格得以多方了解。在国家大力倡导“大众创业、万众创新”的今天,这无疑对当前教育,特别是中小学教育具有重要的启示意义。  屠呦呦虽然获奖于今日,但其主要学术研究却在上世纪60、70年代,这也印证了科学研究“黄金期”大多在30岁左右的自然规律,而人才的创造性特质大
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