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少数百日咳重症患儿,在痉咳期内,由于气管、支气管痉挛,通气功能低下,多量分泌物阻滞,严重缺氧而引起惊厥,窒息。如不能及时治疗,容易导致周围性呼吸衰竭,造成死亡。我们曾收治百日咳合并肺炎多例,其中2例痉咳窒息严重,在常规处理无效的情况下,选用莨菪类药物治疗,皆于短时内解除病危而迅速获愈。现介绍如下.例一,葛××,男,2岁半,1980年12月28日入院.患儿4天前开始阵发性咳嗽,咳后吐白色粘稠痰,2天后出现低热,曾在当地治疗不愈,症状逐渐加重,28日当天因二度出现窒息而转我院.在我院门诊又突然痉咳窒息,口唇紫绀,呼吸停止,经人工呼吸好转后急诊住院。患儿家庭住地有百日咳流行,接触史不能排除.体检:T37.3℃,P148次/分,R36次/分. A small number of children with pertussis severe cough in the spasm, due to the trachea, bronchial spasm, poor ventilation, large amounts of secretions blocking, severe hypoxia caused by convulsions, suffocation. If not treated, easily lead to peripheral respiratory failure, resulting in death. We have treated pertussis with pneumonia in many cases, of which 2 cases of spasmodic cough and asphyxia, in the case of conventional treatment ineffective, the choice of treatment of scopolamine drugs, are within a short time to relieve the critical condition and quickly recovered. Now introduced as follows.Example I, Ge × ×, male, 2 years and a half, admitted to hospital on December 28, 1980. Children with paroxysmal cough 4 days ago, cough vomiting white viscous sputum, 2 days after the fever, had In the local treatment of unhealed, the symptoms gradually aggravated, on the 28th day due to secondary apnea and transferred to our hospital in our hospital and suddenly spasmodic cough suffocation, cyanotic lips, respiratory arrest, improved after artificial resuscitation hospitalized. Pertussis prevalence in children with family residence, history of exposure can not be ruled out. Physical examination: T37.3 ℃, P148 times / min, R36 times / min.
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