
来源 :天津体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzyzyzy
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体育利润的增长,体育参与的增加,职业体育的流行和不同体育项目的商业化,使体育在社会中的重要性大大增加。这也导致了体育产业的发展。在韩国,自1997年以来政府官员和学者们越来越频繁地使用“体育产业政策”这个词。该文认同体育产业是一个有发展前景的产业,其包括三个亚产业:体育用品业、体育场地、设施业和体育服务业。该文旨在分析政策的变迁和韩国体育产业现状,并提出发展体育产业的战略决策。体育产业促进政策开始制定于第1个国家体育促进总体计划(1993—1997)准备时。在第3个国家体育促进总体计划(2003—2007)中,政策的导向包括与建设体育文本和体育网络信息有关的基础结构。1999年,韩国国民体育估算产值约为90.4亿美元,占韩国国内生产总值的2.48%。全部体育场地、设施产业产值为25.99亿美元。很明显,体育场地、设施业是体育产业中最大的组成部分,其产值占体育产业总值的43%强。体育用品业中的竞技体育鞋袜和服装产值为17.6亿美元。体育服务市场估算为15.3亿美元,占体育产业总值的17%。体育用品促进政策包括制定不同的贷款项目,合作计划和提高质量计划。自1997年以后,针对体育场地、设施业的特殊贷款项目开始实施。该项目由汉城奥林匹克体育促进基金资助。体育场馆可以在10年中以平均最低的利率 The growth of sports profits, the increase of sports participation, the prevalence of professional sports and the commercialization of different sports have greatly increased the importance of sports in the society. This also led to the development of the sports industry. In South Korea, government officials and academics have been using the term “sports industry policy” more and more frequently since 1997. The article recognizes that the sports industry is a promising industry that includes three sub-sectors: sporting goods, sports venues, facilities and sports services. This article aims to analyze the changes in policy and the status quo of South Korea’s sports industry and put forward the strategic decision to develop sports industry. The sports industry promotion policy was started when the first national sport promotion master plan (1993-1997) was prepared. In the 3rd National Sports Promotion Master Plan (2003-2007), the policy direction includes the infrastructure related to the construction of sports texts and sports network information. In 1999, the estimated output value of Korean national sports was about 9.04 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 2.48% of Korea’s gross domestic product. All sports venues, facilities, industrial output value of 2.599 billion US dollars. Obviously, sports venues and facilities are the largest part of the sports industry, accounting for 43% of the total value of the sports industry. Sporting goods industry in the sports footwear and apparel output value of 1.76 billion US dollars. The market for sports services is estimated at $ 1.53 billion, accounting for 17% of the total sports industry. Sporting goods promotion policies include developing different loan programs, cooperation plans and quality improvement plans. Since 1997, special loans for sports venues and facilities have started to be implemented. The project is funded by the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Fund. Stadiums can average the lowest rates over 10 years
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