
来源 :青岛职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sqlwcsqlqs
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保护历史遗迹,我们责无旁贷。认真做好此类事情,既是对历史的尊重,更是对后人负责。年初,院长办公会决定复原位于学院教师生活小区内的汉代老井。该井是学院2002年2月在建楼开挖地基至地下1.5米处时被发现的。当年,青岛市和开发区的文物工作者经过现场勘察和挖掘,从对出土陶瓦和青砖纹式图案分析中确认这是一口汉代水井,距今已有2000多年历史,在青岛尚属首次发现。它填补了青岛市文物考古的空白。 Protection of historical sites, we duty-bound. Seriously doing such things is not only respect for history, but also responsible for future generations. At the beginning of this year, the office of the president decided to rehabilitate the old well of the Han Dynasty located in the teachers’ living quarters of the college. The well was discovered by the Institute in February 2002 when the foundations were excavated to a ground level of 1.5 meters underground. In the same year, cultural relics workers in Qingdao City and TEDA confirmed that this was a well of the Han Dynasty from the analysis of the unearthed pottery tiles and the blue-brushed pattern after more than 2,000 years of history and the first time in Qingdao Find. It fills the blank of archeology in Qingdao City.
一、对导数的概念理解存在误区  例1
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