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华主席一九七八年新年到唐山看望英雄人民,并下至矿井深处,同矿工们一起共度元旦佳节。百里煤海,一片欢腾。一夜灯花放。更朝来,枝头紫鹊,迭声喧唱。晨起寻春春何在?春在千寻深巷。灯火处,欢声如浪。又是风尘唐山路,贴心人,佳节携春降。好儿女,泪盈眶!红梅百里英雄象。有傲然,凌云铁骨,撑空堪仗。断壁残垣重料理,且学女娲奇创:炼彩石,补天无恙。汗血晶凝丹心结,看乌金滚滚山河壮。霞彩起,华山上。 Chairman Hua visited the Tangshan people in the New Year in 1978 and went down to the depths of the mine to spend the New Year’s Day with the miners. Barry coal sea, a jubilant. One night lamp put. More in the future, the branch magpie, overlapping noise. Spring morning looking for spring? Lights, like waves. Tangshan Road is dusty, intimate people, good festival to bring down. Good children, tears filled eyes! Hongmei Barry hero. Arrogant, Lingyun iron bone, brave war. Broken wall ruins of heavy food, and learn Nu Wa odd record: refining color stone, fill the sky unharmed. Sweat Blood Crystal condensate Danxin, look at the golden mountains and rivers Zhuang Zhuang strong. Xia Choi, Huashan.
今天,具有“贵族风范”、“豪门气派” 的“大款” 已为人们不屑一顾。作为城市中产阶级,“高级灰”正以脉脉温情的情调,而成为今天的时尚代言人,这包括所谓品位以及格调。
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全国食品冷链暨气调库研讨会在西安召开由中国制冷学会等单位主办的第四届全国食品冷藏链大会暨全国气调库技术研讨会于 2 0 0 2年月 11月4日~ 9日在西安举行。中国制冷学会潘
利用稻瘟霉生物活性筛选模型 ,经溶媒提取和多种层析方法 ,自蓝斑背肛海兔 (N otarchus leachiicirrosus)中追踪分离得到 2个抗癌活性成分。利用电喷雾离子质谱和核磁共振二
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