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本文综述在某些疾病和胃肠粘膜损伤中内源性前列腺素的作用。许多研究已证实,前列腺素,尤其是 E 型前列腺素在胃、十二指肠和其他各肠段粘膜经受各种坏死性刺激时具有细胞保护作用。另外,已证实某些非类固醇抗炎药物,如阿司匹林、消炎痛及异丁苯丙酸可引起胃粘膜的糜烂、溃疡和出血。这些药物引起粘膜损伤的机制被认为是由于抑制了内源性前列腺素的合成。相反,也有许多资料表明,在某些情况下,前列腺素可损伤胃粘膜,而非类固醇抗炎药却可对抗这种损害作用。前列腺素对食管的影响两个实验室提供的资料表明,前列腺素在食管炎的炎性变化中起作用。一项研究通过连续4天给猫灌入0.1N 的盐酸(1 ml/min,持续30min)而造成实验性食管炎,灌酸期间动 This article reviews the role of endogenous prostaglandins in certain diseases and gastrointestinal mucosal lesions. Many studies have shown that prostaglandins, especially E-prostaglandins, have cytoprotective effects when mucosa of the stomach, duodenum and other intestinal segments undergo various necrotizing stimuli. In addition, certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, indomethacin and ibuprofen have been shown to erode, ulcerate, and blemish gastric mucosa. The mechanism by which these drugs cause mucosal damage is thought to be due to the inhibition of endogenous prostaglandin synthesis. On the contrary, there is also a lot of information that shows that in some cases, prostaglandins can damage the gastric mucosa, but non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can fight this damage. Effects of prostaglandins on esophagus Two laboratories provide data suggesting that prostaglandins play a role in the inflammatory changes in esophagitis. One study resulted in experimental esophagitis by pouring 0.1N hydrochloric acid (1 ml / min for 30 min) into cats for 4 consecutive days,
据财政部长刘仲藜在全国财政工作会议上的报告初步估计,1997年中央和地方财政收支都将超过预算数额,地方财政可以做到收支平衡,中央财政赤字可以控制在预算数额之内。 刘仲
本文简要地报道标题化合物8的新合成方法,并自8制备了4-脱甲氧基-7,9,13-三脱氧柔红酮11。以对二甲氧基苯1为起始原料,制得2,5-二甲氧基苯丁酮2,为淡黄色粘稠液体,bp 130~132
本文采用阴离子交换剂DEAE-纤维素柱层析的方法,从接受MTX的家免(100 mg/kg)和肿瘤病人(总剂量2 g)的生物液中,分离MTX和它的主要代谢产物7-OH-MTX,并分别于302 nm、305 nm处
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