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颐和园长廊建于1749年(乾隆十四年),是乾隆皇帝特意修建供其母孝圣皇太后散步和观景之用。长廊为开敞式空廊,两面坡顶。全长728米,共273间,每间高2.58米,面阔2.57米,进深2.27米。长廊以排云门为中心分为东西二段。长廊东边起于邀月门,其名借用唐李白诗《月下独酌》的“举杯邀明月,对影成三人。”邀月门为垂花门面朝 The Summer Palace corridor was built in 1749 (fourteen years of Qianlong), which was specially constructed by Emperor Qianlong for his mother’s holy queen to take a walk and view the scenery. Promenade for the open empty corridor, both sides of the top. The total length of 728 meters, a total of 273, each 2.58 meters high, 2.57 meters wide Mok, 2.27 meters deep. Promenade Pai cloud gate as the center is divided into two sections. Promenade East from the invitation of the door, the name borrow Tang Li Bai poem “alone under the moon” “toast to invite the moon, the shadow into three. ”
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摘要 中国作为一个拥有傲人的文化资源和历史的大国,却存在着巨额的对外文化贸易逆差,这与中国规模庞大的贸易顺差形成了鲜明对比。在各国致力于发展文化产业的全球趋势下,中国作为文化大国更应该积极、努力的改变目前落后的现状。  关键词 文化产品及服务;对外文化贸易;产业链  中图分类号 G124 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-1962(2009)05-0033-02    经过30多年的改革开放,中