
来源 :中国民用航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyingbo1988
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随着服务经济时代的到来,服务流程再造已成为我国民航战略变革的核心领域。尤其是三大集团重组后,航空公司更应以顾客至上、以人为本和彻底改造为指导思想,重新整合被分割得支离破碎的业务流程。通过服务流程的彻底革命,使公司管理发生质的变化、民航服务得到根本性的改善、整体效益达到最佳化,从而最终实现战略性的大飞跃和大发展。 With the arrival of the service economy, reengineering of service processes has become the core area of ​​the strategic change of China’s civil aviation. Especially after the reorganization of the three major groups, airlines should be more customer-oriented, people-oriented and thoroughly remodeled as the guiding ideology, to be reintegrated fragmented business processes. Through a complete revolution in service flow, qualitative changes have taken place in the management of the Company. Civil aviation services have been fundamentally improved and the overall efficiency has been optimized so that a strategic leap and great development will eventually be achieved.
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