Effect of TiN Particles and Grain Size on the Charpy Impact Transition Temperature in Steels

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chijr
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The toughness of ferritic steels is influenced by the grain size distribution,second phase,precipitates and coarse inclusions.In this work an examination of the effect of coarse TiN particles(>0.5 μm) and ferrite grain size on the Charpy impact transition temperature in high strength low alloyed steels has been carried out.Steels with high Ti content(up to 0.045 wt%),have been heat-treated and furnace cooled to obtain a ferrite-pearlite microstructure with different ferrite grain sizes.Coarse TiN particle size and ferrite grain size distributions have been measured and Charpy impact testing has been carried out.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) analysis has been used to measure the grain boundary carbide thickness and to determine if the coarse TiN particles are acting as cleavage initiation sites by fractographic analysis.The Charpy ductile-brittle transition temperatures(DBTT) have been predicted using standard literature equations,and compared to the measured values.The relationship between the ferrite grain size and coarse TiN particle size and number density in terms of whether the coarse TiN particles act as effective cleavage initiation sites is discussed in this paper. The toughness of ferritic steels is influenced by the grain size distribution, second phase, precipitates and coarse inclusions. In this work an examination of the effect of coarse TiN particles (> 0.5 μm) and ferrite grain size on the Charpy impact transition temperature in high strength low alloyed steels has been carried out. Steels with high Ti content (up to 0.045 wt%), have been heat-treated and furnace cooled to obtain a ferrite-pearlite microstructure with different ferrite grain sizes. Coarse TiN particle size and ferrite grain size distributions have been measured and Charpy impact testing has been carried out. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis has been used to measure the grain boundary carbide thickness and determine if the coarse TiN particles are acting as cleavage initiation sites by fractographic analysis. Charpy ductile-brittle transition temperatures (DBTT) have been predicted using standard literature equations, and compared to the measured values. The relationshi p between the ferrite grain size and coarse TiN particle size and number density in terms of whether the coarse TiN particles act as effective cleavage initiation sites is discussed in this paper.
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在教学过程中老师要保持一种静的状态,表现出一种静待花开的感觉。学生才会自信有目的地去完成学习任务,他们才会像学习的主人,主导自己的学习任务,进行创造性学习。 During