CPGs control method using a new oscillator in robotic fish

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiyaozhucewohai
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A new oscillator is presented in this paper based on our pervious oscillator (Zhang’s oscillator). Using this new oscillator, a bionic neural control system, the central pattern generators (CPGs) control system, is built. This control system has a two-level form. To validate the function of this new oscillator and the control system, simulations and experiments were both carried out, a simple robotic fish was built with three joints, and the results showed that the new oscillator can be used in startup and stop control mode, angle offset control mode and amplitude changing control mode. The new oscillator can be used in bionic CPGs control area with a simple form, and may be a new progress in bionic control. A new oscillator is presented in this paper based on our pervious oscillator (Zhang’s oscillator). Using this new oscillator, a bionic neural control system, the central pattern generators (CPGs) control system, is built. This control system has a two-level To validate the function of this new oscillator and the control system, simulations and experiments were both carried out, a simple robotic fish was built with three joints, and the results showed that the new oscillator can be used in startup and stop control mode The new oscillator can be used in bionic CPGs control area with a simple form, and may be a new progress in bionic control.
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